
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Cottonwood extension district offers tips for healthy aging
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Cottonwood Extension District Family and Community Wellness agent, Monique Koerner shares information about the Keys to Aging program.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Technology upgrades benefit Holy Family Elementary students
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Holy Family IT director Duff Watson shares information about recent technology upgrades in Hays Catholic Schools.

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Hays Library continues free tutoring for area students
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Hays Public Library Communications coordinator Callie Kolacny shares updates from the library.

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Groundbreaking for Hays microfactory set for next week
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams shares updates from the Microfactory Project.

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Hays Oktoberfest 2022 begins Friday
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Hays Convention and Visitors Bureau executive director Melissa Dixon shares details from the upcoming Hays Oktoberfest.

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Ellis Co. Sheriff: Now is a good time to prepare winter safety measures
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Ellis County Sheriff Scott Braun shares winter safety preparation tips.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Hays Chamber restarts referral program
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Hays Chamber vice president of membership Rhonda Meyerhoff and vice president of marketing and communication Mariah Legleiter stop by to share information about the relaunched Chamber referral program.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
The Hays chamber has relaunched their referral program Vice President of Marketing and Communications Mariah Legleiter along with Vice President of membership, Rhonda Meyerhoff stopped by to share the details on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Some might have heard, we just finished up the coupon book in print.
Mariah Legleiter
Yeah, hopefully in the next few hours. Actually.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yeah, out in October, later this month. This is October, isn't it?
James Bell
Yeah. We're just getting into it. It's the fourth. I had to look, I had to look, I don't know,
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
I missed the changing the month.
James Bell
How involved you guys were the calendar change? You didn't even know it. Sarah, you're working them too hard. Oh, my goodness. That's gonna be so exciting. Because there's, I don't, you know, as somebody that works in publishing, and now it's digital publishing, so it's a little different. But there's nothing I don't think more exciting than when you hand off something like that to the printer. And you're waiting for it to come back. Because you know, there's gonna be a mistake. There's always a mistake. Yeah. And you're gonna see it. As soon as you pick it up. You're like, dang it. There's my mistake. But then you're also going to be like, Look at what I did. Yeah. Look how cool this is.
Mariah Legleiter
Yeah, I think that was my first my first experience without the Community Guide last year was yeah, it was an amazing feeling. Yeah.
James Bell
About turning, turning an idea into a real physical object. Yeah. You just, I mean, you can do stuff online all day. And it feels good. That's great. But getting that thing in your Yes,
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
yes. Yes. i My first mistake was revealed on my first project back in 1981. And it had gone through several edit things. And like you said, opened up the box, and there was the word that was misspelled. So yeah, I just know that now. I'm not perfect. Try as hard as I made to make everything right. But I think this coupon book may be a first extent. Well, your guide was good. So yeah, I think it'll be great. So we're excited. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, these are some of the reasons to why our members are really proud, James, to belong to the the chamber and be a member of the chamber for these different various opportunities. Because in in our book, if they were not a chamber member, then then they weren't allowed. Yeah, yeah. And, and many of them, they're, they're really so happy about their chamber membership, that they end up talking to other businesses about it, and that it's an opportunity to for them to gain much by by joining the chamber, so we decided that we wanted to revitalize the referral program. Very cool. Yeah.
James Bell
Who doesn't love a referral program? That is like the most effective marketing you can really have? I think,
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
I think so too, is word of mouth. Yeah. Yeah. We know that. That's great. So yeah, if the the business analysts say, what's a business that's not in town, let's let's go CQRS talks to U V. W. And you see, W decides to that they want to join the chamber, and we know that QRS talk to him, then, yeah, there's some referral money in there. And it used to be that that was going didn't have quite the same as a reward as what it is now that we're going to give it's $25 and chamber checks. I realized $25 isn't going to make you rich, but who doesn't like some acknowledgement for their efforts? Yeah. And just the fun of receiving something that maybe you weren't planning on meeting your budget? You know, gosh, we have we have some people that I would anticipate are probably worth quite a bit. And they get tickled pink over a $25. Yeah, chamber check. Yeah. So it's, it's a good way for us to, to acknowledge that our members are doing that, you know, we want them to know, we're paying attention and, and show our appreciation for what they're doing. That all helps the chamber to grow. And also, it's paying them I guess, for some extra work that they're doing or maybe sometimes it was an uncomfortable conversation that they had. That's right. Yeah. So yeah, we're getting bring back that referral program. And, you know, James, there's lots of reasons for people to be happy with a chamber. You know, one of so many times when people think of the chamber they think of all the events that We do. And yes, those of yours
James Bell
do a lot of
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
yes, we do. Yes, we did
James Bell
talk about some of those here in a little bit. Yeah.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
And so that then other businesses will say that they can't go to all those events. So there's no reason for him to belong to the chamber, which is nothing really farther from reality. When you stop and look it, let's just take childcare task force of Ellis County, for example. You know, even though I may not have children that need daycare, if I'm running a business, and I find out that there's going to be more people working through a childcare effort promoted by the chamber, that means more expendable income. And they just might spend money at my store my business. And so it, it's kind of a revolving circle with that. So that advocacy that we're out there, we're doing, we'll go on to Ellis County Commissioner meetings, the city of Hays meetings, school board, the single board meetings, helping Ellis now what we did here in Hays to help advocate for a school bond chatting with Victoria on different things that we might be able to help them with as well. There's a lot of advocating going on. And that's the number one reason why chambers were actually formed was for them to get together as a pool and to advocate for causes that were going to help their businesses. So that's huge. Yeah, that that visibility, then that you get with those free benefits, inviting people to chamber chats, or to the ribbon cuttings, or the groundbreakings or the catching ups, I most always tell our businesses that are going to schedule one of those, please invite the individuals that you want to make sure that are here, you might have some customers that are not directly related to the chamber, that if those are people that you would like to have, send them an invitation column, let them know that you'd love to have them there. Because that celebration, although it's a chamber celebration, it's also the business member celebration. And so it's fun for them to have the people in their lives that were important in making their business what, what it is? Sure. So lots of reasons. Gosh, what's another one where I look here? We
Mariah Legleiter
have a lot of development opportunities, too. So there's there's tons of learning opportunities where you can get a competitive edge over non members with exclusive training opportunities on all kinds of hot topics. I mean, we have one coming up, but Mike Hankey seminar that we have that we've kind of partnered with the I'm going to get that wrong western Kansas Human Resource Management Association, I think. Right. Yeah, it's something that we we kind of approached them about and
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
it was actually Heartland credit. Oh, okay. Yeah, we found out about Mike Hankey through that. Okay, yes. And they said, This is somebody that you need to bring to town. And he's going to talk about setting yourself apart in the job market as an employer that's trying to hire people. So
James Bell
talking about an important skill right now. Yeah. Oh, my God. Absolutely.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
So at the Chamber, we're not just sitting around talking about it. We're actually trying to do things to help our businesses with those different aspects, you know, so he'll do a seminar on Thursday, the 27th. And we'll talk about that probably more with another segment. And then on the 28th, he's going to, he's going to talk to our members at the luncheon about, you got to know how are you going to keep them? You know, that that whole piece, and they're both very, very important pieces, you know, I'm of the firm belief. I'm 63. James, and I'm so proud to say that, that in my career, there's a lot of things I've learned that I think I can always learn more, or sometimes you'd go to those events, and it gives you more energy, again, to go back and, and do or you forgot about something you were doing it worked really well. So maybe this can help you to remember what those things were. And so I think everyone can benefit from from this education experience. And yeah, we have other places where MDC through Fort Hays, there's a special discount on training, if you're a chamber member for any of their training. And so yeah, different opportunities like that.
James Bell
Even here on the morning show yesterday, we were speaking with a couple of the leadership Hayes class guys, they're doing the Green Ribbon haze, which I thought was such a cool program and they mentioned this is a chamber this come out of the chamber. Yes.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Isn't that a great program that they're done? Anyone, man? Is it? Is it going to end up being a podcast or anything?
James Bell
If it is? Yeah, you'll see it on post here. Probably next couple days.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Oh, that's great. I would really encourage your listeners to go and see what they're trying to do. And I think it can help make a difference for things. So to schools. Yeah. And so it is great. And that, yes, like you said, that came out of the chamber. And then we go ahead. Oh,
Mariah Legleiter
I was, you know, something fun that I didn't realize until, you know, working at the Chamber is that we found a statistic from American business magazine that says 63% of consumers are more likely to buy products and services from companies that are members of a local chamber, I think is a super strong and important number. I mean, that just shows you know, the the trust and the the relationship that you can build with the consumers, just by being a member of the chamber by being a member of the chamber.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yes, absolutely. So yeah. And then you did you talked about that credit, credibility, yeah, members, perks and those learning opportunities, you know, and those connections, we do have opportunities for you to build really strong connections, absolutely. Through those events, that's one of the main things that those events can help you to is for you to build connections, you may have the opportunity to talk with someone that you couldn't get in front of otherwise. And so now, it's just really, really strong.
James Bell
Yeah, you know, I remember from my time in the business world, one of the things that was a huge lesson for me, was learning how many people didn't know what was going on in our businesses, like if we were we'd have a special and we would think that we were saturating, we'd be sending out coupons and doing door knockers, and we thought everybody would know, and then come to find out later, we do surveys, and it'd be like 10% a percent, you can always get that word out there. And again, that word of mouth is so valuable to spread whatever message it is whether you know, it's new specials, or new products, or sales, new opening, whatever it is,
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
on the mouth, and even our newsletters. Members are welcome to put inserts in our newsletters, business connection section is for businesses that have something special going on and anniversary or, you know, some news that they would put in and so, yeah, lots and lots of opportunities to get your name out. Oh my gosh, our team members, actually once a quarter can email all the other chamber members just gets their name out in front of them. And, you know, over 400
James Bell
of them, right, a high, close to 500. justifies
Mariah Legleiter
the 500 real valuable.
James Bell
Oh, my hands on that list. What are we gonna do? We're gonna sign up, right? Well, yeah, contact
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yes, absolutely. So, um, I was gonna go somewhere, and it's gone. I guess. That's part of being sick. I know what it was. When I graduated in 1981. James, it took seven touches. So a mailer, a radio, AD, a T TV, whatever, it took seven touches for an individual to even consider doing business with your company. That's for them just to consider. That's not saying they will. That's for them to consider. And that number is now 12. Whoa, yeah,
James Bell
I thought I'd go down.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Look at look at all that's out there. Yeah. That's trying to get people's attention. Suppose
James Bell
that's true. Yeah. We've always got some chirping or beeping at us emails pop in and all kinds of crazy.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Absolutely. And it's good to have a spread of all those mediums. So yeah, we're just one other opportunity for your business to get their name out there.
James Bell
Love it. Well, guys, before we run out of time, we better talk about the weekly events because I'm sure you guys have some going on. There's always some going on down chamber.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Absolutely, absolutely. This is you know, low week
Mariah Legleiter
we were used to,
James Bell
it'll be like, Oh, I can see there's like a 404 thing. Yeah,
Mariah Legleiter
it is kind of you know, we were joking earlier about being so busy. We are so busy today that we actually have something going on right now. So we have a catching up event with the USD 489 Foundation for Educational Excellence is going on right now at the Rockwell Administration Center. And then on the fifth, just tomorrow, we have the Hayes young professionals is having a lunch with leaders at noon at Paisley, pear wine bar bistro and market. On the sixth. We are having Earth H yp is having their network and Engagement Committee meeting at 1205 at the Welcome Center. And then on Friday, we'll wrap things up with our chamber chat with options downtown at Union Pacific Park. And now it'll be at 9am on Friday.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Improving mental heath for middle schoolers topic of upcoming event
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Leadership Hays 2022 class member Kyle Carlin and presenter Patrick McGinnis share details of the upcoming Green Ribbon Hays events.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
TMP-Marian students prepare for future with career exploration programs
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Thomas More Prep-Marian counselor David Zachman stops by to talk about career exploration programs in the Hays Catholic Schools.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
Preparing for life after high school is more complicated than ever, for our Catholic schools report, Thomas More Prep-Marian, counselor, David Zachman stops by to share ways that they help prepare kids for the future on this episode of the Post Podcast,.
David Zachman
seniors need to be filling out college applications, it's time to start financial aid that just opened up October 1, so and then the juniors need to be getting ready for that sophomores can be looking into it. So yeah, basically, once they get into high school, we're we're trying to get him directed towards what do you think? And how can we help you get there? Very cool.
James Bell
You know, and one of the things I think that's got to be influencing this is the conversations that are around, you know, the, basically the discovery of do we want to do a four year traditional college degree? Or do we want to go into a tech school? Do we want to do some sort of alternative training, maybe military, there's so many options, and it seems like the schools are just getting better and better at kind of directing those kids into what makes sense for them, rather than a one track fits all kind of function,
David Zachman
right? Well, even even the workforce has changed a number of years ago. A lot of people thought, well, if you just everybody goes and gets a four year degree, that's kind of the way you need to go. But the workforce has changed. But the number of people who have a need degrees from a four year program that hasn't grown, it's still about a third of the workforce. So the middle range, I guess, where students need some sort of technical or other preparation, that is what has really grown. So more than high school, but not necessarily a four year degree. So and getting students to figure that out. That's, that's the trick. That's
James Bell
my bet. So let's talk about this. So one of the ways that that kind of that this comes about is these individual plans of study, and I'm gonna let you just kind of open this up. And tell us a little bit about how this kind of
David Zachman
works. Sure, a number of years ago, the State Department of Education just said, We want all schools to offer and create an individual plan of study for all their students. It doesn't have to be the exact same thing, but we want all of them to have certain pieces, we want it to be an electronic portfolio, so they can access it from anywhere. We want them to be able to take Strength Finders, and to do career interest surveys to find out more about who they are and what their strengths are and how that might fit with a job. And then we want them to be able to kind of plan accordingly with what kind of classes then do I need to take in high school that will help me complete that, and even into the beginning of their college. So those are the four things that the state of Kansas said, we need to do. And of course, we a lot of us were doing those things even before but it wasn't in quite such a uniform format format across the state. So that's kind of a general outline of what we're what we're trying to do.
James Bell
Very cool. Well, let's first talk about these electronic portfolios, because that's, that's something that's come up. You know, since I was in school, we didn't have portfolios at all, we barely had electronic I think we had some some computers computers in the school, but maybe a few handful and that we were fighting over. So let's kind of talk about the details. This starts when they're, again in the freshman level, doesn't it?
David Zachman
Yes, it does, at least a TMP it does. But I know that the electronic portfolios can go down into grade school, also. So they can even start with some very basic, very beginning career things as very young children. Our electronic portfolio is called Zelo X e ll Oh. And at each grade level, the students have certain lessons and they build on each other. So that you know, for the freshmen, they're learning about their personalities and what kind of study skills they can learn different kinds of career things. And then as they work up through high school, they learn more about work values and lifestyle, choosing a college even for the seniors, then we get into job interviews and and maybe career backup plans. Because as we know, the things that we think about and what we want to do that doesn't always work out. So what else can you do? What else are you thinking about? Not quite be so zeroed in on? I can only do this and that's the only thing possible. They're always related things and so we try to try to get them to think about some some variety. Also.
James Bell
It's pretty rare that people stay in one career track through their entire lives at this point, too, isn't it?
David Zachman
Oh definitely. It is You know, it's rare for students to just stay in college, in the original major that they started in, they tend to change two or three times they tend tend to change schools. So let them know that I think that's one of the things that that is my biggest challenge is students think, well, when we're talking about this, I have to decide, and I have to get it right. And it life doesn't work that way. I've had a number of students that kind of had that had their whole lives figured out. And after one semester in college, they changed directions, different major, and, and it worked out very well for him. So it's a it's a process, I guess, not just a checklist.
James Bell
Yeah, then you but you, and I kind of think about back to, again, my school education and the tools that we had. And one of the things I remember was like, you know, the paper, you did the bubble test, and it would kind of tell you, like, hey, this might be a good career track or that one. You know, I'm wondering what the equivalent is nowadays for that?
David Zachman
Absolutely. That's one of the first things that students take with this electronic portfolio is something called matchmaker. And it works just like the Holland or some of the other tests that you took. But instead of bubble sheets, you're clicking on answers on a on a computer. And basically, what it does is the same thing, it takes what you like and what you're interested in, and it matches it up with a career. And the people in that career said, Well, these are the things that I like, and I want to do. And so it just puts those two together. And it really just says, here are some things that are a good fit for what you like, and students. And sometimes parents say, but I don't want to do that. This isn't telling you, you have to do it, it's just saying, these are things that you like, think about some of these kinds of careers. And once we kind of narrow it down, we should be able to find something that's a better fit. So that's the idea of the matchmaker. And then of course, we add to that other things, their personality, their skills, again, all just pointing them into a direction. And it actually even summarizes it forum and says, These are the things the careers that really fit your interests in your skills the best. If you want to do something else completely different, you certainly can.
James Bell
Very cool, you know, and I think you know, even having that, that guidance on that direction, at any point, your life is gonna be really helpful, whether or not you want to go that route, just having that insight is so valuable.
David Zachman
Sure. There are just so many jobs, so many different careers, new jobs that are being created in the future that we don't even know about right now. So how do you prepare for those kinds of things. And I think one of the best ways to career for to prepare for that is just a good education and improving those, sometimes they call them soft skills are transferable skills, just being able to work with people and communicate with them and be assertive, and be organized, all of those kinds of things that will allow you to, to transfer and change and adjust and adapt with the job market.
James Bell
Yeah, well, and it also keys into the educational experience too. Because if you're kind of on a track, you're thinking, you know, I think a specific job, like maybe a welder, for example, you know, if you're kind of have that mindset, you enjoy it, you know, you that might be something you're good at, that's going to completely just shift that educational track, both in the school and then post secondary, right?
David Zachman
I would say so. Once students kind of target in on something, whether it's a welding a technical skill, or something that requires a another degree, they can always diversify and move into related areas. But sometimes we just don't know about those related areas. And so again, broadening that perspective and getting students to look at things, you know, in smaller communities, we see doctors and nurses and lawyers and policemen and teachers, but we don't always see a lot of the other maybe high tech or unique fields that that are great options for students.
James Bell
Yeah, absolutely. And I love that piece of the evaluation of it. So as they're building those, those core schedules, they may be like going back to welding just because it's top of mind now for me, anyway, you know, like, Hey, I saw that, that sounds cool. I should try that out. And then they get in there. And they they have that hands on experience, and maybe in a in the spring class and find out now this is not actually as exciting as cool as I thought it was going to be. And there
David Zachman
are things of course, students can take college credit classes in high school. We have students that go to NC K for classes for several hours a day. And a lot of them experience exactly what you were talking about. I really thought this is what I wanted to do. And some are very happy with it and want to continue on with it and others say this isn't what I thought it was. And so by the time they've get out of high school, they already have some experience And they've already sometimes narrowing down what you don't want to do is as important as what you do want to do. So giving them those experience opportunities, job shadows, being able to go to colleges and and just check those out sometimes even just for a day can help broaden those horizons and experiences.
James Bell
Now, we want to talk about some of these activities that are coming up, that will help them on that track. But before we go, any other things we want to hit on about that? That four piece kind of direction that you're giving them a TMP,
David Zachman
it's really just about giving students information, and then help them them helping them choose their path. Of course, the original idea was students would have this done in junior high, and then they would just follow that path through high school. But, of course, people change their minds and they continue to grow and change. So we've learned that that's just an ongoing process. And we need to be able to adapt and change with the students sinteres. One of the things that we spend quite a bit of time on at TMP, Marion is helping students to choose their classes for four years. And of course, that will change too. But giving them a focus, helping them say, Well, what is it you want to accomplish? What is your goal? What kind of a curriculum? Do you want to choose a curriculum to just graduate from high school? Do you want to choose a curriculum to help you meet qualified admissions? So you can go on to a four year public university? Do you want to meet the scholars curriculum, so you qualify for a state of Kansas scholarship. And once they've kind of chosen, this is my goal, then we can get them in the correct classes, so that they can meet that goal. And we don't have any surprises when they're seniors and say, but I didn't take this class. And I needed it. If we choose the path, and we choose the goal, and we match classes, that should be right on target. Excellent. I think you also asked sorry, I kind of went off the back there. But yes, about some other activities that we do. We start off the year with just goal setting, helping students choose what's most important to you and, and making good goals. We haven't go to college and career conferences, Hays high sponsors, one and they're kind enough to invite us to go to that. So kids can go and talk to a variety of college, military, technical representatives. And they're all right there for them. So it's very convenient, they get a lot done, sophomores do reality you, which is a wonderful experience. And in they get a profile. And in less than two hours, they have a budget, and they have to try to figure out how to make that budget work for him and get a car and pay their bills. All of those kinds of things are just kind of helped the students focus a little bit more and learn the lessons in high school. So they'll be ahead of a game once they get out of high school.
James Bell
Love that. That's another tool that you know, it would have been so cool to have seen that when we were when I was I think you're a little bit older than I am when I was in school, but I see that now. And like what an eye opener every time those kids get to do that reality based training. They're like, Oh, I didn't even know
David Zachman
I think they learn more in that hour maybe that maybe I shouldn't say this out loud. But they they learn more in that hour than I can teach them in an hour's just because it's so real to them. I don't have enough money. I gotta get a second job even though it's just a simulation. It's and child cares, really expensive. And a Kitson thinking about all those real life things that are such valuable

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Tree Top Security owner Dallas Haselhorst shares information about upcoming cybersecurity awareness training sessions.

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Hays High students, alumni prepare for 2022 Homecoming celebrations
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Hays High is once again getting ready for Homecoming. From Hays HIgh Stuco Rilee Schwarz and Hannah Eikenberry stop by to share the details on this episode of the Post Podcast.

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Imagine Ellis County Committee continues strengthening area communities
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
The Imagine Ellis County Committee continues their work to strengthen area communities, from Grow Hays, Executive Director Doug Williams stops by to share with us the latest on this episode of the Post Podcast.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
The Imagine Ellis County Committee continues their work to strengthen area communities, from Grow Hays, Executive Director Doug Williams stops by to share with us the latest on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
You know, I look back, this group was started back in late 2019, if my memory is correct, and it's a group that was started out of a committee, from the strategic doing process that the Hansen foundation sponsors, and we started this group, not having a name at that point in time, but just trying to look at what we need to be doing as a community to make ourselves more attractive and what people want to have and that kind of thing. And so it started then. And it's grown to about 25 or 30 people on this committee. And we were we started and then that little pesky pandemic came along, and kind of stalled us. And if not, for the good work of Sarah Wah singer with the chamber, we probably wouldn't exist today. But she kept things go into the pandemic, and then post pandemic, we gained a lot of momentum, and have have made a lot of progress so far as I look back.
James Bell
Yeah. And we've, as we've talked about this before, one of the biggest things on this, I think, is that communication piece, it's sharing the haze the story with others, and especially I think in with his that first go around, it was kind of geared towards the front range out in Colorado, correct? Well, it
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
was, you know, we initially, one of the first things we did is we brought in virtually all of the business leaders in the community, the organization leaders, you know, the school district, the university, large, you know, business community, and we asked them to give five minute presentations on what their plans are and what their what they're hoping to do in the future, as well as what their challenges are. And then we had some townhall meetings and Hayes and Ellis and Victoria. And we have produced six videos, one minute videos, promoting our quality of life here and talking to people from Ellis people from Victoria, people from Hays, different demographics, a retired person, a young person, family that bought a business and moved here a family that chooses to live here with the type of jobs they have, they could live anywhere. So we're trying to cover the gambit. And then yes, we've we've engaged Eagle creative services to help us get this message out because you can have the best message in the world. But if nobody hears it, it doesn't do you any good. And so they are doing some marketing for us on the eastern slope of Colorado, we feel like that's fertile ground, to attract people to our community. And, and we've got a lot of good things going on in that area.
James Bell
Yeah, is are those efforts out in that particular area is still ongoing.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
They are okay, they're ongoing. And we'll be through I think next February or March, we were very fortunate to receive a sizable grant from the Schmidt Foundation, and then a partial match from the Hanson Foundation. And then the Heartland Community Foundation gave us some dollars. And so we were able to engage some of these marketing campaigns do some website development, we have a website, imagine Ellis county.com. and produce these videos that this is this has allowed us to try to get this word out and tell people about what we have to offer here.
James Bell
Very cool. I wonder if you want to talk about what's next. Like what's the organization planning? What do you guys got coming
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
up? Well, currently, and many people I hope have received this in the mail, the docking Institute is doing a community survey for us. And they've asked a lot of questions, kind of the things I talked about earlier, you know, what, what about the community? Have you thinks positive? What do you think we have problems with, and we're hoping to get those results back sometime in October. And that will guide us in terms of some of the things we're going to continue to do. But I do imagine Ellis County at this point as a as a recruiting tool for Ellis County, you know, we we have a unique opportunity. And you and I have talked about this before with remote workers and lots and lots of Americans on the move, have the ability to move to other places live where they want to live because of remote work. And we think that we can get our fair share of those if they know about us and if we let them know what kind of community we have. And so we are very actively trying to recruit people. And we plan those, you know, the efforts and eastern slope of Colorado is one area we may focus on some others in the future. But we're gonna let some of this data that we've gotten be our guide and Thus far, we've had some interesting input, most of which we already know, in terms of the challenges, we know that housing is a problem, we know that childcare is a problem. But when you start talking about some of the wants and desires of retail and other activities, it's, it's good to have some validation from the community as to what they'd like to see.
James Bell
I don't know why you have to do a survey, Doug, you just get on Facebook, and they'll tell you, we need an olive garden, we need to target and what's the other one that I hear Dick's will get those things, they're always gonna be happy.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
I think that we solve all our problems. And then, you know, I obviously, retail is always everybody's view of economic development. You know, traditionally, economic development is recruiting the smokestacks, you know, big businesses employ lots of people, that that world has changed. And we're into the world of recruiting people. And we have to go after those remote workers, we have to look at retirees. They're a huge demographic that we believe we have, we check all the boxes. And then I've, I've talked, you and I have also talked about this maintenance, we need to leverage the resources our community has much in the way that southwest Kansas has leveraged their resources, they have water, they've turned that into cattle, grain production, beef, packing, dairy, cheese, the Hilmar cheese going into Dodge City, I mean, all those things come, primarily because they have a natural resource, which is water. We don't have that luxury here. But we have other resources. We've got an interstate highway that 15,000 cars a day go up and down. How do we leverage that we've got a unit amazing university. And you know that how do we leverage that? We've got a tremendous health care facility here. How do we leverage that those are the things we need to be leveraging? Those are the things we're looking at as to how we recruit using those resources in this community.
James Bell
You know, I'm curious, like, how do those imagine Ellis County committee meetings? Go? Are you guys are you talking about those things? Like how do we specifically dialed in? Are you talking more specifics like to make this happen, we need to do this
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
little bit of both. Certainly, there's a fair amount of, you know, tactical things that we're talking about, hey, we need to get our website up to date, we need to do this with our website, we need to do this with our ads. But then also, I think we talk about the greater vision and what we're trying to accomplish. And so a little bit of both happened, we meet monthly. And, you know, we've we've had the it's been a while since we've had an actual event, the last town hall meeting we had, I believe, was in Ellis, back in the spring. And we have tabulated those results. And we've got, we've created the bubble charts, where the things it's mentioned, most is bigger, you've got all these words on a chart, and the things it's mentioned most is, is the bigger so you see the emphasis. And, you know, obviously housing, retail, those kinds of things are are on there. But we've compiled those from each meeting, as well as a county compilation. And then we're obviously going forward with this survey. And we're eager to see the results of that. And that'll give us some guidance. And, you know, I think now we're just in the in the mode where we're trying to execute on some of the ideas we've had and some of the projects we're working on.
James Bell
Yeah, you know, you mentioned that that was meeting and I was lucky enough I get to go to that meeting, and also the one in Victoria and the one inherence. And the last one in Hays. I've already seen so especially in Victoria, they have taken really taken some of those ideas that came out of that meeting and they're running with it, they're ready to go. And they've actually already accomplished one of my things
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
they have, they are very active over there. They've got a couple of local committees looking at the obviously the old rest home is a project over there. And they're they're trying to work on some retail recruitment over there. And the the nature path through town, they've talked about and things. So that's what it takes. It takes a collaboration of a lot of people getting together for a common cause.
James Bell
Yeah, and really, and really, they came out of that meeting. One of the things they talked about was a farmers market. And Betty Johnson from the hazard Foundation was there kind of facilitate that meeting, say, you can do that, guys, don't wait, just get it done. And I believe that they're making that happen. And I just I love that because it was that idea that collaboration that meeting. And it may be never would have been thought of or never really planned out and discussed how to do it without imagining Ellis County in that that particular event.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
You have to start the fire. And it's my co presenter today. Sandy Jacobs, her favorite word is collaboration. But you see a lot of really positive things come from that. And so Ellis is aware of Victoria is a great example of a group of people getting together and just saying we're going to do this and it's amazing what can happen.
James Bell
You know, I'm curious if you want to talk a little bit about for all this work. I was listening to thinking like, Oh, I'm maybe I've got some ideas, and maybe I could help out. Are there ways at this point for them to have their voice heard? And I was or imagine I was kind of committee?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Absolutely, we would welcome input from anybody. If somebody wants to be in the committee and be an active member of it, they give us a call, send us an email, text us whatever. We would, we would love to have more input and more feedback from people. We feel we've got a good diverse group that cover most of the bases in the community, but there's always room for additional energy and additional ideas. So if anybody wants to be involved and engaged, definitely let us know.
James Bell
Yeah, I like the idea of those diverse ideas, just because everybody's got such a different life experience. You know, we talk pretty frequently see each other at least once a week, but our life experiences are so different from what I do and what you do every day and your your background in history. We're not going to come up with the same things, I'm
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
sure No, that's what it takes. It takes, you know, a lot of different ideas. And some of them might be crazy. I mean, we at grow Hayes, we get people who come in with, with ideas that seem pretty crazy sometimes, but then, you know, you think it through and maybe this makes sense. Maybe this is possible, what would it take? So those are the things we need to be? We need that from people.
James Bell
Cool. So let's talk before we run out of time, the specifics on this luncheon later today. Is that to open to everyone, or was that is that reservation already past.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Its past, I'm sure it's an RSVP event. And so this one is not going to be available, just anyone. But it's today that the Chamber has a membership luncheon each month, and they choose a topic, and they have somebody come in and make a presentation each month. And today, Sandy and I it's our turn into barrel to, to go out and give a presentation on this Imagine Ellis County because I think people are are wondering, I haven't done the best job in terms of keeping it in the public eye. You know, we have a website, we have these videos, we have a Facebook page, we've done all this. But as you know better than anybody, you have to be consistent with your message, and you have to get it out there repeatedly. And so we recognize that and we're trying to get more of Top of Mind awareness of what we're doing.
James Bell
Sure, you know, and but there's so many things to be concerned about. You turn on the news. And there's always it seems like there's always new bad news, always something, something that's going to come up and wreck our lives. And you got to be concerned about that. But this one that this, this is a local effort that really could have an impact on lives. You know, it's easy, I think, to fall into that trap of watching the national news watching hurricane coverage right now. And the political news is always out there. But to getting involved an organization like this, or following an organization like this can really change things here in Ellis County.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
We can't do a lot about hurricanes. We can't do a thought about national politics, but we can make a difference locally. And so I agree with you completely. That's that's something we all need to focus on and recognize that let's let's focus our time and energy on something that we can have an impact on, and we can all have an impact on this community.
James Bell
Absolutely. Well, before we run out of time, anything else going on down to grow Hayes we want to hit on
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
before we just we just had week three of our think like an entrepreneur class this week. And that's going well. And gosh, we the housing, the housing project Tallgrass second out there off of 22nd. I saw the Earthmovers out there yesterday for the next phase supposed to be done by year end. So we're excited about that. That's a team or lots the first phase of 36 lots are all gone. And so some things going on out there some additional housing will be sometime in the spring or summer
James Bell
starting to look like a real housing development. Before it was in the houses looked great, right but it was like a house here house. They're kind of on that hill and now it's starting to really fill in
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Yes, in spite of all the challenges that contractors have right now with material issues, windows, getting basements done and that kind of thing. They're they're progressing nicely

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Forward Ever: District 111 Representative Barbara Wasinger
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
On this episode of Forward Ever: Leading in Challenging Times host Gary Shorman speaks with District 111 Representative Barbara Wasinger.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
KS-111th District election debate set for Oct.12
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Hays Chamber president and CEO Sarah Wasinger and Fort Hays State University Tiger Media Network director Nick Schwein discuss the upcoming KS-111th District election debate between Republican incumbent Barbara Wasinger and Democrat challenger Ed Hammond.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
USD 489 Board of Education meeting recap: Sept. 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Hays Post reporter Cristian Janney recaps this week's Hays Board of Education meeting with superintendent Ron Wilson.

Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Facility improvements underway at Ellis County Health Department
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Ellis County Health Department director and public health officer Kim Reel stops by to share details of ongoing renovations.

Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Hays Arts Council prepares next exhibitions
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Hays Arts Council executive director Brenda Meder stops by to share the latest from the council.

Friday Sep 23, 2022
FHSU Media Tour shares university story across region
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Fort Hays State University president Tisa Mason and chief communications officer Scott Cason share details of the upcoming FHSU Media Tour.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
Fort Hays State University will kick off their media tour next week from the university president Tisa Mason stops by along with chief communications officer Scott Cason to talk about that and more on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Tisa Mason
Last year, when we went out and we talked to people, we realized so much more value was developing working relationships with member of the media, even at the Kansas Board of Regents. Now I see some of the people I talked to last year, I have those relationships. So that is really great. And of course, always sharing information on Fort Hays impact in Kansas and beyond, is one of the great joys. And, you know, it's something we have to work hard on, quite honestly, we have to draw attention to us. And that's not part of our culture, we tend to be more modest. But we've got a lot to be proud of. And it's it's really a privilege to be able to tell that story. And we always we learned a lot last year going out and seeing how media consolidation and how that is impacting communities. And, and the the, it just was incredible to hear stories of what's going on, especially in the smaller rural communities. But even in the urban institutions, the consolidation and what that means and trying to find somebody open to even have a conversation with or going into newspaper and seeing that they're printing the newspapers for a large area because everything's consolidated. So we're always excited about identifying opportunities for also our experts, our faculty that are doing extraordinary work, to assist in news reporting. So when we get to have those relationships, then we connect everyone together. And that makes us better.
James Bell
Yeah, truly. Now, let's talk about some specifics. I think you're kicking this thing off pretty locally right here. Oh, goodness. Oh, less than a week, isn't it?
Tisa Mason
Yes. Yes. And always we start right here in this studio.
James Bell
Oh, is this the first one? This is the first one. Let's call this a warm up. Because as everybody knows, I'm not shy to say that I'm not a professional broadcaster. I just kind of hear doing the radio thing. The case kickoff. Exactly. But we're gonna be in Great Bend, McPherson, Pratt, and then kicking down into Oklahoma. The business Oh, next week.
Tisa Mason
Yeah, that's just Monday. Well, that's just
James Bell
Monday. Yes. Oh, my goodness. You're gonna be dreads a lot of road time. Are you gonna be flying those spots?
Tisa Mason
No, we are driving driving it. Oh, yeah. The real American experience. We're getting in that car and we're driving from community to community.
James Bell
Very cool. Very cool. Man. You're I mean, you're hitting everywhere. You're getting down to the Wichita, Kansas City. You mentioned you're popping up to Nebraska, McCook, Nebraska looks like and then of course, dodge sitting gods in the Garden City. Those are always really fun, aren't they?
Tisa Mason
Yes, we love that. And we love that in Garden City. We have our Higher Education Learning Center there as well, which we've had for decades to help tell the higher education story first and the Fort Hays story second, and really trying to drive people to understand the value of why a higher education post K 12 is really important today.
Scott Cason
And two of those stops, the one in pride and the one in Garden City will highlight our partnerships with the local community colleges there.
James Bell
Go Pratt, I don't know if you guys know this. I was actually I'm a I'm a proud alum. I went to community college there. And before I came to four days, and really they are the ones that steered me this way. I had never been to Hayes before. Well, before enrolling, to be honest.
Tisa Mason
No, for decades, we were among the first to do the articulation agreement. And we have always valued our Community College and our tech partnerships. We've done some really unique things with them. And we think that's really important. So yeah, go Pratt, and shout out to all the rest of the community and tech colleges in Kansas. Love it.
James Bell
So let's talk some specifics about what you're going to be talking about on these media, media tours. You know, I think it's no secret. There's since the pandemic, there's been a lot of changes, we've seen what's going on in Emporia and you know, kind of trying to rebalance these things. And, you know, I wonder if you want to talk about how that's going to be part of those conversations and how this strategic plan is going to be brought up as you guys are out and about.
Tisa Mason
So of course we're aligned with the Kansas Board of Regents strategic plan on building a future and theirs is built on family you know, and affordability which is something that we are the star at and continue to drive forward. Because access is the first thing that you need to go to coloriages is the ability to open that door and we have flown it open for decades, you know businesses and how we create jobs and provide a talent pipeline, particularly since the pandemic hiring employees is an every call conversation in every community. And so how we continue to fuel that and provide an educated talent pipeline is really important. And then economic prosperity. How are we driving? How are we making an economic impact in communities? How are we bringing value with all kinds of outreach centers that we do in communities. And so that's really important, that's tied to our strategic plan as well. Then, of course, we at Fort Hays talk a lot about academic excellence, because that's really important. Our value is not just about our low price point, but it's also about the high quality. And so we're constantly investing and professional opportunity for our faculty, encourage their dialogue with business industry, so that we're keeping all that connected. And then resources and infrastructure, look anywhere across the state of Kansas, and you will find the best buildings and experiences at Fort Hays State University.
James Bell
Absolutely. And you know, what I like about kind of the strategic plan is, is your guys's vision of growth and how to actually accomplish that. And one of the things we've talked about previously in the segment is the the I don't remember the name of the plan, but basically the in state tuition that's offered across seven or eight states. Yeah, the 1313 states Oh, I was under pending. Yep.
Tisa Mason
We call it our 13 state regional tuition, program. And we're really excited. Of course, we don't have final numbers yet, because we're still waiting till the end of the month to get those. But early indicators with our first year out, is sending us really strong success in Colorado and Oklahoma, as first place winners for increasing those students. I've had I've had fun talking to are in states or out of state students from those 13 states last night at a dinner in my house with our VIP students. And we had a couple of students from Texas, like, how did you like that discount on your tuition this year? And they're like, We loved it. We're so excited. Thank you. So that was really fun.
James Bell
That's very cool. And you know, it really I think that helps probably in the community and global engagement piece as well, because you're getting people and folks, students from a larger geographic region, which then I think is going to just feed into the I don't know the stature, maybe a Fort Hays crossed the Midwest.
Tisa Mason
Yeah. And more importantly, we know when since that program is only for on campus students, we know when students come to Fort Hays, and then they do internships and practicums in the community, they're most likely to stay in Kansas. And that feeds the talent pipeline. So it's Win win, it's win for the students. It's win for the university and for our community in our state.
James Bell
Yeah. And there's lots of different ways I think you're going to be talking about on this tour, right about specifically some areas where the impact is very noticeable, like, for example, K through 12. Education, I think we're a huge driver of teachers out and across Kansas and beyond, right?
Tisa Mason
Yes. And really important. I think, over we've had about 200 students in teacher ed, every year, over 85% of them end up teaching in Kansas, and around half of those are in western Kansas, and often in rural areas. And that's something we work hard. And I know our nursing program. Also, if you're going to go to Fort Hays, you're going to do some practicums and some experiences in rural hospitals, because we want you to know that and understand that we really want to incentivize and encourage people to stay in rural Kansas. Yeah,
James Bell
yeah. I love that. And you mentioned at the top of the program here, the difficulty in hiring, and I think that is especially true in these rural school districts where, you know, you've got to pull in people that maybe aren't native to the area and are kind of questioning like, why would I live in this little town over anywhere else that I can live? And I think that's gonna help but to social workers, also a big important part of this, right?
Tisa Mason
Yeah. And they have been one of our strategic enrollment planning fancy word to say, how are we going to grow? And that's where we've put some of our dollars because we know the community needs social workers in many areas. And it's been a huge winner for us. Since its inception in 2015. We have expanded from 100 undergraduates to over 300. The Masters of Social Work, which is brand new to us had inaugural class of 52 students and grew to 85 students in just one year. And now a has a waiting list. Wow. We're really excited about the placements. Just last year and 21. The department placed over 90 students in clinics and other social service areas in 24 Kansas communities with 90% of that, or about 90% of those placements in rural areas. Again, really focusing on serving rural Kansas. We have about a hunt There needs students enrolled in practicum field experiences right now. And we're just really excited with our success and with the growth.
James Bell
Yeah, that's, that's awesome. This is another thing that I keep hearing about that I think is a really probably impacting a lot of people in ways that they don't understand or they don't know maybe don't understand, but don't necessarily see in their day to day lives. And that's the criminal justice program here. And the Regional de escalation Center, which you guys have been a huge part of getting set up. And I believe that's, that's up and running now. Right?
Tisa Mason
It is. And another shout out to Senator Moran, who helped us with some of the funding, we received $2.75 million in federal funding to fuel the center. We're doing all kinds of training both online and in person. We have delivered 20 programs to agencies in Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado. And right now, law enforcement agencies in Kansas, Nebraska and Florida, are scheduled to start completing online training created by Fort Hays and our fantastic teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies Group that can take learning to a new level online.
James Bell
Yeah, I love that. And then there's one other one we want to talk about. And this is this one is something I love. I think it's so cool. And it's been you know, I think it's becoming more and more prevalent. We saw the story even last year here in Hays, cybersecurity, you got some big achievements out of the Institute and technology department there, right? Yeah, infirm.
Tisa Mason
Informatics is the academic department. And we were so blessed by the legislature with half a million dollars and dedicated funding to create what we're calling the cyber Institute and technology incubator. So we're just ramping up right now. The first thing you're going to see here is the development of some really cool micro internships. So our students can go in sometimes I'm like, virtually, and sometimes in reality, physical body, and they can go into small businesses, small and medium sized businesses can lose their whole business with a cyber attack. So our students can go in and do web security evaluation, security vulnerability reports, clean up data for businesses, these smaller businesses don't have the resources that the large industries do. And so that's really important for us to make sure that we are supporting the grocers and other businesses, and the small area. So software testing and compliance of reports, this is going to be a great opportunity for our students to get hands on learning and training. And work on those soft skills as well. As well as support the small and medium sized businesses will be also then kicking off in years two and three incubators specifically to grow more businesses that can help small businesses and medium sized businesses with these issues in partnership with our outstanding Small Business Development Center throughout the state. So it's going to have I think, deep ramifications. And I'm so grateful for our faculty and informatics, who are leading this charge.
James Bell
Yeah, love that. All of these things, I think, you know, they're going to be really continuing to impact the folks out here in western Kansas and beyond. And I'm, I bet it really is just so exciting to go out and share more of these details with those, especially those young folks, as they're considering, like, what am I doing with my future? Where can I go and cybersecurity I think is in particular one of those areas that there's just unlimited potential out there in the field.
Tisa Mason
Yeah, we're actually having some exploratory conversations on we do a lot of Gen Ed, concurrent credit in high school so that they can take college bearing credit courses while they're in high school and informatics. We'd like to get a little bit into working with some of the high schools and partnerships so that the students can start getting college bearing credit in this in this information computer science area.
James Bell
Very cool. Get head start in the future. Yeah, love it. When the other last thoughts before we go,
Tisa Mason
I just want to say it's such a joy to be in this community. Our freshmen and our students have returned on campus today are high energy, they're loving haze, they're loving the campus. And I want to thank everybody who's coming out to our volleyball games, our basketball basketball is started but soccer and football and thank you everyone for being part of our community as we are a part of yours.

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Go Truck Go set for Thursday
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast USD 489's Early Childhood Connections child development specialist Michelle Dannels shares information about the Go Truck Go event.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Planning underway for annual Chamber award banquet
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Planning is underway for the Hays Chamber's next awards banquet vice president of membership. Rhonda Meyerhoff and Vice President of Marketing and Communications Mariah Legleiter stop by to share all the details on this episode of the Post Podcast.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
Planning is underway for the Hays Chamber's next awards banquet vice president of membership. Rhonda Meyerhoff and Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Mariah Legleiter stopp by to share all the details on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
we decided we would really give one to give more time to our our businesses that do the engraving on the award. So they didn't have last minute, we wanted to be able to give enough time to the committee that that picks from all the nominations to place them. And so we decided it was just be better to, to put that out in October instead of November. So it Yeah, yeah. It'll be in the in the October newsletter, if somebody wants that sooner. Absolutely.
James Bell
Okay. Well, let's talk some details like any Well, first off, I know we've gone to all the awards that we've done, and you've got this really cool list, right handed it to me as we got started, I don't know who I'm showing this to I'm showing it to the world out the window, I guess. But it's all the previous award winners, going back to the original award winners that looks like on some of these way back into the 80s, which is so cool. But anything new or different in that regard. Coming up on this one?
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Well, the awards are the same as they were last year that we did start a couple of new awards last year. And that would have been the Grow Hayes proper e Schmidt Entrepreneur of the Year award. So Doug Williams at grow Hayes and Gary Sherman, with the Robert E. And Pat Schmidt Foundation, decided to come up with this one. So, you know, we've got a lot of really amazing entrepreneurs in our community, truly, you know, and in sometimes seminars, I suppose I did was start a new business will have a digital, is that a franchise? Did you form it after somebody else know that what that's an entrepreneur, and we have a lot of those in town just really good. And so they decided that they wanted to recognize someone who was an entrepreneur. And so yeah, somebody who's demonstrated, you know, that ability to create and, and grow their business over the last year. And, you know, and then there's always efforts that go in to make it a better value for our community. And we have some amazing things that happen in our community. And it's so fun to be able to recognize those. And then Mariah, we added another one typically,
Mariah Legleiter
we added the worst Wealth Management member investor of the Year award. We really wanted to well worth wells wanted to partner with us and come up with an award that really showcased one of our member investors that that adds a lot to the community. And that gives back to our chamber. I think I think it was a great idea. It went over really, really well. We were happy to have Hays med win that last year. I'm looking forward to the nominees for this year.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, and it's not all about financial giving. James, you know, we have a board of directors that's volunteer ambassadors are volunteers, and they're pulled out of their workplace all throughout the day. I mean, we try not to have more than three events that they're pulled out.
James Bell
Just imagine they're trying to work and your call would like no time to go. See him so much out in the community. Yeah, great. Yeah. And yeah, and it does, it takes more than just their effort, it's their employers to that allows them to do that.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Well, and their co workers sure picking up the slack while they're gone. You know, and we try to be really respectful of that. But you know, without those volunteers, and our H yp is a great group. They have some things during the day, usually at noon, or after hours. But you know, all of those things are really helping the chamber in immense ways. And then obviously financial, we appreciate that as well. But there's a lot that goes into that member of the Year award.
James Bell
Yeah, like that. Let's start getting some more of these. Are you a winner? No, maybe we will just go through it before we talk about the submission process and how that all
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
works. Oh, okay. Yeah,
Mariah Legleiter
so we have the city of Hays Small Business Achievement Award. The I smile Vision Plus dental Helping Hands award, the golden belt bank Hall of Fame Award. The grow Hayes, Robert E. Schmidt, Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the next Tech Citizen of the Year Award, the next Tech wireless Business Woman of the Year Award, five broadband Rising Star Award and of course, the worst well worth Wealth Management member investor of the Year award.
James Bell
So really kind of covers the gamut Yes. To me, yes. In the business world. Yeah.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yeah, those new rising individuals that are showing a lot of promise for the future of our community. You know, gosh, those small businesses,
Mariah Legleiter
the seasoned people that have been giving to the community for years, we have the Hall of Fame Award like, yeah, there's a little bit for everybody. I mean, anybody that that gives back, I mean, there's a way to give back to them.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
And I'll tell you, the really fun part is now being on this side when you know, yes, who's the winner? And
Mariah Legleiter
conspiring to get them there?
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yeah, because we don't want them to know. Sure. Oh, yeah. There's some fibs that are told in order to get somebody there. We just think it's all one off, off, okay. Because it's, it's for the award winner to get them there. But, and then we had their family hide in a room in the back. So they don't see their family there. Because that would give something away.
Mariah Legleiter
It's a it's an elaborate setup.
James Bell
The real reason why you had to push it back, you guys didn't do more time to get get
Mariah Legleiter
that actually, yeah, that actually was a discussion we had was to figure out how to get them there. We need just a little bit more time to figure that out. So
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
although we know the more people that know what's going on, then, you know, yeah, the cat can be led out of the bag. Our families are always so excited to I, I remember last year GT Park, her husband was back in the waiting room and, and waiting for it to be her turn. And she was so amazed when she went up to win her award. She just couldn't believe first of all, that she was worthy of winning the award, which is so humbling to me. And then she sees she goes, Oh my gosh, and my husband's here, too. It's just it's so off the cuff. It's so fun. And it's Yeah. And the people are so honored by it. So yeah. Love it.
James Bell
Well, let's talk about how to get to get these people honored. How do you get as people signed up? Or do you sign up yourself? Well, you could because I could make I could sign myself up right now. put my name down here.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
You can you could James
James Bell
actually wrote my name down like, like,
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
yeah, there's more than just writing the name on a piece of paper. Sorry, you're gonna have to get another one. Okay. Yeah, we actually have the forms that Mariah has created for us. Live, as I mentioned earlier, there'll be in the October newsletter.
James Bell
So old school, handwritten form?
Mariah Legleiter
Yes. Okay. It'll be on our website starting October 1. And it will also like she said, it'll be in our October newsletter, which is also available on our website. And which is Hayes chamber.com. For those that don't know. And it has just a short description of each award. And then at the bottom, you fill out name, address, like contact information for the person you're nominating what award you're nominating them for. And then you just write a short paragraph on why you think they deserved the award. And then that all goes to our nomination committee, and then they take it from there.
James Bell
Very cool. Easy peasy. Yeah,
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
you don't change that might be part of what you've never won, because it's a short paragraph. And people would write pages about you.
James Bell
I'm sure they would. And this guy got let me tell you about this guy. All day long.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
So if individuals can't find it, for some reason, please call our chamber 705 or 78562. Ad 201. I almost gave her my personal number. Anyway, or you could call me there too. And I would still get the for sure. You betcha. So um, yeah, they can call us and we'll give them the the form that way as well.
James Bell
Very cool. And what's the deadline? Again, if they want to get him signed up? November 30.
Mariah Legleiter
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
October 30. Yeah. October 31. November 30. was last year. Yep.
Mariah Legleiter
So October 31. is the deadline for nominations.
James Bell
Okay, so get about six weeks. Yep. Don't wait, but get it in. Yep. Put together a little time
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
habit. But for now, you can be thinking of those Absolutely. Like, yeah, our past award winners on the website, right. Yeah,
Mariah Legleiter
no, but I think we discussed that at one point. So that might be something we can talk about.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yeah. We're in the middle of trying to do some different updates to the website. So very cool. In between events and Facebook Lives. Benson. Yeah.
James Bell
I understand. It's hard to get to those projects. You want to do it. It's always like, Oh, I'll do it tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. And then it just never gets.
Mariah Legleiter
tomorrow never comes. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
I don't think there's anything more fun than to have a member come into the office, or the opportunity for us to go out and celebrate and showcase a member. Yeah, that's that's the The ultimate joy that we have.
James Bell
Absolutely. And I imagine like yeah, if you have to choose between going to the celebration or setting and working on a website, I know what I would pick website all day long. No.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
They don't want me on the website.
James Bell
Strictly Mariah.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yeah, yeah, that's good. Very cool.
James Bell
Well, before we run out of time, guys, we better talk about I know you've got some weekly events coming. Yeah,
Mariah Legleiter
we do as always, super busy week ahead of us. Today at noon at the venue at thirsties brew pub and grill at 2704 Vine Street we have the H yp connection lunch. Also today at 330 at the Welcome Center, we will have our monthly chamber board meeting. Um, let's see we also have a groundbreaking at the Ark Park for the leadership Hays class of 2020. One's storytime project that they're working on. And that's at 11am at the Ark Park. And then on the 22nd we have a ribbon cutting for the western Kansas Therapy Associates. They are wanting to they have updated their business name and want to celebrate that so that'll be at 11am 208 East Eighth Street Suite D in the James building. September 22. There's also an H yp lunch with leaders with Lavon geese of DSN Wk M that will be at noon at Paisley pear at 1100 Main Street and then we will wrap up our week with our chamber chat. Oh, we don't have a chamber chat. Do we
James Bell
know no chamber channels faded.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yes. That just happened. Yes.
James Bell
News. No chamber chat this week. It has been or stay smooth. Stay tuned.
Mariah Legleiter
For more information.
Rhonda Meyerhoff, vice president of membership
Yeah, because I think we were trying to build that with one we are in so watch your email from it.
Mariah Legleiter
Yep. And social media will hop it out there.

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