
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Mix 103.3’s Friday Night Finds: Sept. 16, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
The latest Friday Night Finds from Mix 103.3 FM.
Play the song at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-UnzRM24IM

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Thomas More Prep-Marian readies for Homecoming festivities
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Thomas More Prep-Marian Alumni Director Wanda Billinger shares details of this year's Homecoming festivities.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
Thomas More Prep-Marian has another homecoming celebration on the way. Alumni Director Wanda Billinger stops by to share the details on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Wanda Billinger
Homecoming is my Christmas. I love just seeing all the people coming back graduates and their families that just the camaraderie, but everybody's doing what's going on. It's just fun. No, absolutely.
James Bell
You guys have I'm just a I'm sure a regular slew of events for this weekend right
Wanda Billinger
we do we do. To start off our our bonfire is Thursday night at eight. They'll introduce the homecoming candidates and all of that kind of stuff. The SticO pick the theme of SOR s o ar and that stands for strength, ownership, acceptance and respect. For homecoming candidates are landing Rosina and Julian Juliana bio Ballman. Landon is the son of Travis and Jill worth class of 96, Rosina and Juliana is the daughter of Justin and Michelle Baldwin. Michael Hale and Jenna Schleyer. Michael is the son of Steven and the late Amy Hale and Jana is the daughter of Mike and Michelle 97. hurtle Slayer. Cade Harrison's Sophia Alan Kay is the son of j and Chris Harris. Sophie is the daughter of math class of 2001 and Lindsay is in the class of 2003 Steinert Ellen Jensen, brule and Janessa Peiffer Jensen is the son of Jeff class of 94 and Julie classic 96 Mater Brule. And Janessa is the daughter of Jay in the late Bobby Peiffer Garrett photo and the Aaron Shelby Garrett is the son of Brian class of 90 and Amy and Aaron is the daughter of Eric. Okay. Garrett is the son of Brian class of 90 and Amy photo. And Aaron is the daughter of Eric class of 92 and Kelly class of 1992. Photoshop Adobe. Those two are first cousins. And then this year we have picked Jean and Teresa flax are our grand marshals. Everybody knows them both. Jean was our football coach and idea TMP and he's now think He's the assistant principal at Holy Family.
James Bell
And then he was he was on with us. And then
Wanda Billinger
Theresa F Flex is a former teacher at Holy Family. So two very, very, very good people. They help us out with so many things. So I told you about the bonfire and then Friday we have open house at school and we'll do school tours. We'll be selling our TMP apparel also. So if anybody needs any clothing for the night, they can come out to school and buy it. Four o'clock is the parade lineup. 530 is the parade begins seven o'clock is the football game versus Scott city. And we're thrilled to know as of right now, yay. Sounds weird saying that. was played really hard. And then nine o'clock we have our individual class reunions. I won't go through all the world class reunions are big, takes too long. But if they want to call out to TMP at the Alumni Office, we'll be able to give those to that's also on our website. And I don't know what TMP website.
James Bell
I tell people nowadays, if you just Google's tip. Yeah,
Wanda Billinger
all you have to do. It's very easy. I can even do that part. We have those all listed. And this Your Honor classes 50, your class of 72, the 40 year class of 82. And the 25 year class of 97. My babies in that class. Oh yeah. It's 25 years. She's in her 25 year class for you and my son just turned 50 this year. So I'm feeling pretty old right now. We're doing we will we will announce our point of light awards this week, which I can't tell you that right now. But our other awards that we're going to be doing at halftime are the Distinguished Alumni Award. And this year's winner is dawn and Deb Klaus Dawn is the class of 69. And we're going to do the 21 year cause Gerald 78 and Rosie hemorrhage event. They got the distinguished alumni award last year they were unable to attend they had planned to do something in Colorado and they were doing our jack shrimp Spirit Award. And those awards are Keith words Shelton rents and Terry roath. They built my trailer that I pull my clothing around football games and stuff. And Randy 74 and Nadine 74 Gottschalk so that's what I got for homecoming. Very cool. So we have a lot of, you know, come out to school, we'll, we'll take him around and show him you know, the new all the new things going on. We're going to be they're starting gonna start a renovation of the third floor for the sixth graders that are be coming over here in this next school year. So a lot of things happening at school, all positive things so we're just working away hoping everybody comes back this weekend. Seems we have a lot of entries in the prayer pray it's gonna be long allow countries
James Bell
I You know, I like laundry.
Wanda Billinger
I do. It's crazy.
James Bell
I was I was talking to somebody just the other day, when I lived down in Oklahoma. I interviewed in a small town outside of the metro. And he'd grown up in the metro. And he he said something to me. He's like, when I moved here as a young man, it was very exciting to me to learn that parades are a real thing. Like when you grow up in a big city, and then probably even some smaller communities, too, but, you know, I think it's very special. We have the ability to do this parades, and they're so in haze, they're so well attended. And everybody gets so excited.
Wanda Billinger
You come down seventh, you turn the corner on 17th Street, and you look down and you're going, Oh, my God. I mean, it's just from there to the pool, to the swimming pool at the other end. I mean, it's crazy. But you know, these communities around here, like your basketball games in your football games for like, Ellis Victoria here. Everybody goes, there's nobody in town. You know, everybody's at the football games or the basketball games. I mean, it's entertainment, but you support everybody and it's just fun. Absolutely. It's fun when you play somebody that's close, like wrestler, you know, all those places, because we're so well attended on both sides. And it looks, it's great. The atmosphere was fun. Absolutely. Then our second thing I want to talk to you about is our military appreciation. This Following that is the following Friday night after homecoming.
James Bell
Okay, so this is the The weekend looks like September 29 and 30th.
Wanda Billinger
Right, right. We will have a dinner in the dining hall at 630. Anybody who was in the military, who attended TMP or anybody that has gone are the cadets rather SGMA cadets, and anybody who is a TMP grad who's in the military, you're welcome to come, we will have a supper. And they will hand out the the vets hand out the jerseys to the football players. It's really it's just, it kind of gets to the heartstrings. I'm emotional about stuff like that. So I really love that part of it. And then Fridays, the game and then we bring everybody in the military in their divisions, like if it was Navy, Army, Marines, all those we lined them up together and they marched out onto the field. And then we do a little program type thing. And it's just honoring them. Who wouldn't be for our military, we wouldn't be here. Absolutely. Pretty much. Pretty simple and whatever. But we really appreciate all that they do. And being rsj ma cadets being our school for so long as a military school just brings a little special that escapes us, I think.
James Bell
Absolutely. Yeah. And I love that you can honor the history of that. The Military Academy, you know, alongside the current kind of mission. We
Wanda Billinger
had a crack platoon back in the day who marched in Denver. I think also in Kansas City. They won national awards. Oh, wow. It was really special. That very cool.
James Bell
Well wonder anything else that we want to hit on before we go?
Wanda Billinger
Well, ice will be coming around the corner. I'll be starting to bug you. A couple of months I'll be out begging again. So the thing I seek to do best. Other than that, just thank everybody for their support. Come out. Have a good time. Haven't join us on our everyone's

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Cottonwood Extension District welcomes newest agent
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Cottonwood Extension District agent Monique Koerner stops by to share updates from the district.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
The Cottonwood Extension district has a new family and community wellness agent Monique Koerner stops by to tell us a little bit about herself and share some updates from the district on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Monique Koerner
I'm actually from Hays. I grew up here in Hays and I graduated from his high in Fort Hays State University. And I also have a Master's in Public Health Administration from so yeah, I'm a hometown girl.
James Bell
I like to hear that. You know, it Hayes is one of those special places. I think that folks that grow up here, like to eat a lot of leave, and then come back. Yeah, but stick around. And then also people like myself that discover Hayes, you know, college years, kind of stick around as well. It's just a special place.
Monique Koerner
I did leave for a little while I lived in Wyoming for about 10 or 11 years, and then moved back here in 2010, and have been here ever since. Before I worked for extension, I was with early childhood connections, I was the early headstart home visitor. And then I'm also a little late to league leader. I've been doing that for over 20 years. And I'm also an international board certified lactation consultant. And I sat for the exam in 2011. And I've been doing that ever since as well. Very cool.
James Bell
So you're probably already pretty well known in the community.
Monique Koerner
I hope so. A little bit anyway.
James Bell
That's awesome. And I'm sure that's gonna fit in well, with the family community wellness position here at the cottonwood district. Um, you know, and we want to maybe also talk about this because I think it's a good opportunity to talk about what this position is, and kind of like what your role is going to be as you're moving in and kind of you've been there now, what, a little over a month.
Monique Koerner
Yeah, I started at the end of July. So yeah, I'm still kind of learning as well. So I'm just trying to get out in the community and talk to people and kind of see what the needs are in those areas. As far as health and wellness, I am still trying to figure out some of my programming, but we'll definitely hit walk Kansas hard come spring, I'm excited for that I always participated on the other side of it. So now I get to, to kind of help spearhead that in our community. So I'm excited about that. I'm also doing a lot of training right now, as a new agent, I have a new agent class that I have to do. And then I'll get trained in some other programming as well. One of those things that we want to do is stay strong, stay healthy, which is just an extra exercise class for older adults just to help them stay strong and keep their balance and just, you know, if we stay strong and healthy and keep moving as we get older, that will just help prevent some of those things, falls and things like that, as we age. So pretty cool.
James Bell
You know, I'm curious, Monique, how much of this programming, do you get to determine or is it kind of just programmatic and you who you follow and to help spread the word?
Monique Koerner
Yeah, some of it, our signature programs that that K State provides. But really, it's it's up to me and then serving the community. So, you know, there's certain interests that I have that I can bring to this position. And I can tie those into some of those signature programs that que state has, but really my job is to bring to the community what our community needs. So and that can look very different, you know, with Hayes versus even Russell or lacrosse. The cottonwood district is Hayes and are Ellis County and Barton County. And so sometimes that can even look different between the counties and the districts. So
James Bell
I'm sure Yeah, I mean, he's, it's not exactly a metropolitan area, but it's a little bit more. I don't know what little less rural, I think you might say, then Barton County, I'm from down around that area. And the a lot of farm ground, a lot of really small towns down that way. Of course, great bends pretty good size, but still not nearly as big as Hayes.
Monique Koerner
Yeah, I think Hays Hayes has some unique qualities about it. And so we're definitely going to try to gear the programming to what the community needs. Very cool.
James Bell
Very cool. And one of the things I think that kind of is coming up here pretty quickly that we want to talk about is the family pizza night. What is this?
Monique Koerner
Yes, so family pizza night just kind of promotes the, the eating together as a family. Research has shown that that's really important for kids, just to have them have a sense of belonging and helps prevent some risky behaviors. So that's part of my job as family and community wellness agent is to help families be as strong as they can. And so there's actually a lot of benefits for kids to get in the kitchen and help help prepare meals. They can learn math skills, they can learn how to to follow directions they can, you know, just those social skills of being with their parents, sometimes you can get them to have a little more buy in with what they're eating if they take part in preparing it. So sometimes that can help with picky eaters. So lots of important benefits. So yeah, we're Papa Murphy's has donated some pizza crust, we got donations from the Kiwanis Club. And so parents can come down and learn about the benefits of eating together as a family, we'll have a handwashing activity. And then in the back room, parents can put together whatever kind of pizza they want. And then they can take it home and bake it and eat it with their kids.
James Bell
Very cool. Very cool. How do people get to sign up for that? Or is it all just come and go?
Monique Koerner
Now we need you to RSVP just so we have enough pizzas for everybody. So just call the office and Teresa will take your RSVP and then if you could stop by and pay for the pizzas, they are $3 each so pretty economical meal and just pay for that. Hopefully sometime this this week would be great. If we get all those in we've we've got a few more pizzas left, we've got a lot of people signed up.
James Bell
Very cool. Like to hear that. It's gonna be I'm sure a good time. When is that again?
Monique Koerner
It's Monday, September 26. From 415 to 6:15pm. Okay,
James Bell
very cool. Very cool. And we also want to talk about this coming up, go truck go, this is coming back. This is a really neat event I was telling you before we got on air, my little ones especially love this event.
Monique Koerner
Oh yeah, my kids always love the event, especially the little boys just getting on the big equipment and seeing the fire tracks and the ambulances and all that it's a great learning experience. And yeah, I'll have a table out there and be offering some information of things, some some things that you can do with your little ones, and also some nutrition information. And then we'll also have a story walk up. I picked that up yesterday. And so we'll have the story walk out there for the little excavator. Very cool.
James Bell
You know, I know we've talked about this in the past with some of the folks down there at the district, but maybe want to remind everybody what the story walks look like.
Monique Koerner
Yeah, so I've done a couple of story walks so far, in the short time I've been with the district, but it really just promotes literacy with the little ones. So we just take a book and we break it up and put it on like little signs like, like the for sale signs out in front of your house. And we just line them up and parents can walk along and read this story with their kids.
James Bell
Love that. My kid that's another thing my kid loves. And you know, I like it because he's he's very energetic. He's little my little guys a boy. And he loves to run around very much a physical kind of learner. But he can get he will, you know, get so excited. And we'll hop between one set of the pages and then he'll skip the next set. And that sort of brings in and incorporates that physical activity, but then also gets that benefit of reading which he could be about.
Monique Koerner
Sometimes it's a challenge to get the little ones to sit and listen. And so sometimes we think we, you know, we have to sit and we have to read a book from beginning to end. And it really doesn't have to be that way. Like you said we all learn in different ways. And so this incorporates that physical activity. Sometimes people need to move to help them learn. And so that's can be a great way to get kids interested in in books and reading

Friday Sep 16, 2022
School year well underway at Hays High
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Students at Hays High have hit the ground running for the academic year principal Shawn Henderson stops by to give us an update on this episode of the Post Podcast.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
Students at Hays High have hit the ground running for the academic year principal Shawn Henderson stops by to give us an update on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Shawn Henderson
we have several new teachers that have joined us this year. And it's always exciting to see the energy that they bring in. Also to watch our people that are already part of our team, welcome them in and make them feel like they are part of this great thing that is Hayes Hi.
James Bell
Love that, you know, it's it's gonna bring in a new energy and new kind of feeling when you have instructors in the beginning of the year and like new ideas and the collaboration and all that probably just to me seems like it would be I don't know, like a fun way to kind of kick off the year and move on into 2020 to 23. academic school year.
Shawn Henderson
Absolutely. And here's the thing. I mean, as an educator, there's nothing more exciting than the beginning of the year, right? I mean, get your new backpack, pick out a first day outfit, and come in and all those connections that are made, you know, our theme this year was engaged. And it was fun to watch that happen to watch our people engage with the students. And vice versa. We even had Open House on Monday evening and to get to have all of our clubs and sponsors out and to have parents come in and see our school. It's It's really neat.
James Bell
Yeah. And some exciting stuff going on in the district just in general. But we talked a little bit or we want to talk a little bit about this enrollment up as well. And you've got that new school coming here in the next few years is probably going to be like, Oh, my gosh, I want in there now. Right?
Shawn Henderson
Yeah, I think patience is going to be is going to be a real thing. But I'll tell you what, we have a great design team construction team, the district we continue to meet and talk about what this vision for the future looks like. So it's kind of fun, because we already we have feet on both, you know, on both ground here we are in the current school with the current people and we are doing all that we can. But we're also getting to plan for this new exciting thing that is on the horizon. And just knowing what impact that will make on not only our school, but the whole community is is really exciting.
James Bell
Yeah, with this increase in enrollment, is it? Are you guys like add capacity, or you still got a little room for them to get around? Okay,
Shawn Henderson
we definitely can feel the students, the the the extra people that we had last year, you know, we're up over 950 now. And we ended the year at about 888 last year. So we definitely have more students. And we have some teachers sharing some spaces as well. And obviously, but at the same time, it creates some new collaboration. You mentioned it earlier, and some of our new people are in those collaborative spots. And so it's been, it's been fun watching that happen. And actually, as we plan for the new high school, that collaboration and teacher spaces and how people work together to impact student learning. That's really where we're headed. So we're just we're getting there already. So
James Bell
love that. So what kind of stuff you guys you know, and I know, you gotta get into the academics of it all, but what kind of stuff goes on in the first part of the year to kind of ease into the rest of it.
Shawn Henderson
There's not much easing at the high school. That's okay, though. That's the energy that we like. And you know, it's so fun to walk down the halls and see the students dressed up. You know, today we have, you know, soccer and we've got tennis that's in town, we have the volleyball team that's on the road, we have cross country that's on the road this morning. So we've already got hundreds of kids that are out, you know, doing their thing just today, and that's a random day in the fall. Doesn't feel like fall, by the way, one day, we might get some fall weather, right. Yeah, I mean, that's, you know, and then Friday Night Lights tomorrow, highlighting, you know, it's never just about football, it's all of the things, it's the community. It's the brand new band uniforms, which we debuted last week, which was really cool. And the cheerleaders and the dancers and I mean, it's, it's everyone, and there's just nothing like it. Actually, we love that Friday Night Lights. So yeah, we just have a lot of activities up and running. And we've had a lot of success with our groups. And it's, it's fun to watch them thrive. And so that's really exciting.
James Bell
Very cool. Very cool. Anything on the academic side this year, that's kind of harder than usual, or is it just businesses? Businesses normal there?
Shawn Henderson
Yeah, it's businesses is normal. But you know, one of the things that we're really proud of right now is our CTE and pathways. pathways in the state of Kansas is a conversation about how do you get students out and into internships and turning their, their, their academics from school into future opportunities are both at the post secondary and, you know, training level and, and so we have a lot of those partnerships and we're, you know, growing those partnerships all the time. But you know, like right now we have 97 students that that are leaving our building that are in an internship. So when you see someone walking, a high school student like this morning, said, Good morning to one that was wearing scrubs walking in, because there's going to come a point in the day to day that they're headed over to the hospital. That's really, really neat for our students, and it's something that we want to build upon all the time. I'm,
James Bell
yeah, I like that, you know, and one of the things not not at all to get political here, but one of the things that came out of the student loan proposal out of President Biden's office is the well, how did we get in this mess, and we need to fix that. And you know, over the last few years, what I've seen, especially locally here is there has been an effort to not to dismiss or discount college education, but to right track those students and get them in the career fields that they want to be in and not necessarily skip college, if that's the way they want to go. But get them into a program or an internship or some sort of post secondary or post high school training that gets them where they need to be, without incurring a whole lot of debt and wasting a lot of time and things like that.
Shawn Henderson
Right. And I think, but the impetus for that has to start with what's best for this kid, what's their story? Where are they headed? And how do we get them where we're going for some of those students, it's absolutely college. And they should do that. For some of our students, they have a lot of skills and a skill set that communities need. And it could be in all kinds of things. And that's why, you know, within CK tech and Fort Hays and our other other partners, we are looking at the student and their story, and how we can support them in that. And then, as the community realizes, you know, we have these partnerships, we hope to expand that so that our students have those opportunities to say, this is what I think I want to do. But when they go out and have those experiences, they're like, yes, it's really what I want, or no, it's not. And then they can be very intentional with their parents as to what training they need. And I feel like even in the new high school, and we're looking at the plans and talking, those CTE programs, those are those are going to be prevalent, they are going to be seen, and kids are going to watch what other students are doing. And CTE is for everyone. And that's really that's, that's something that that we're proud of, and that we just continue to bolster in our school.
James Bell
Yeah, love that. And I would imagine, too, it probably helps in the effort to keep some of the students out here in western Kansas, whether it be haze or whatever, it down, you're listening to us. And there's that brain drain that we hear about all the time and those folks going elsewhere. And I think if we can train them to do the jobs that we need hear, we're more likely to retain them.
Shawn Henderson
Yeah. And some of it is just letting them know what the jobs are. Now, we often hear well, we're training kids for jobs that are not that don't exist yet. That's 100% True. But I think some of that is being a responsive community to say, we do have young people that have all of these skills and this opportunity, how do we create it to where they feel welcome to insert themselves into what we have. And I think that's, again, a partnership between the school the community, the institutions that support us, and, and we're having those conversations, and it's fun. I mean, especially if you start to talk about it in terms of the scope of a new building, and how the new building can assist that. Then it's, you know, and I'm a creative person. So, to me, those are fun conversations.
James Bell
Absolutely. Well, we've got just about a minute or so left, and we got to talk about this homecoming right around the corner, right?
Shawn Henderson
Yep. It is coming up soon. It'll be October 3 through the seventh, you know, we have two new StuCo sponsors, Luke Lundmark. And Alan Neill. And they've just done a great job. I mean, I think we have literally I think we have 193 students on on the docket force StuCo. That's how many students are involved. And so I feel like that student engagement and that level of school pride is really up in the morale is up. And so I just imagined this homecoming to be really great.

Friday Sep 16, 2022
FHSU Neuromuscular center helps keep community moving
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
The Fort Hays State University Neuromuscular Wellness Center has a new person in charge. Luke Kriley stops by to tell us about himself and a little bit about the Center on this episode of the Post Podcast.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
at the Fort Hays State University neuro muscular Wellness Center has a new person in charge Luke Kriley stops by to tell us about himself and a little bit about the Center on this episode of the Post Podcast.
my new assistant professor Fort Hays State University within the HHB with his health and human performance. I'm a physical therapist by trade, I switched over to academia just this year. But I wanted to talk about some of the service based programs we have on campus, what we're in charge of is the neuromuscular Wellness Center. So essentially, what that is, is just think of it like a gym or miniature PT clinic, it's there to provide an accessible resource for community members who have neuromuscular diseases, if they want to work on physical fitness, functional mobility, quality of life, or just to stay active will serve those populations. A lot of the times when you have a specific disease that's kind of chronic in nature, and does not improve over time, just based on how the disease progresses, pathology wise, you know, you can only do so much physical therapy for someone's gonna have to pay for it, not just insurance. So if you get to a point where you meet your cap, you need to look for a place we're a good place to do that. What's nice is we're staffed by two full time faculty myself and then Macy Klaus, we both bring clinical experience, she's is experienced in cardiac rehabilitation and pulmonary rehab, I come a physical therapy background. And then we also have a lot of students, I get involved with the program as well.
James Bell
Love that, you know, I had the opportunity over the years to do some stories with physical therapists. And it's such an interesting kind of field. It's, it's, I think most people think of it as just an extension of like a massage or a yoga class class. But really, it's it's more in depth than that, right?
Yes, yes, absolutely. So, you know, within the world of physical therapy, most people come to physical therapy for pain. But one of the things pain does is it causes dysfunction, whether it's emotionally, physically, however you want. So those are the things we try to address. You know, if you come to us and say, Hey, I can't get swing my tennis racquet anymore, because my elbow hurts. What do I need to do we find a plan, we give you some interventions, some exercise stretches to help you figure that out. But there is massage involved. But there's a lot of other things as well. People just like to massage the best.
James Bell
Imagine that. So you said this is this is open to the community how to get involved? Or how do they take advantage of those services?
Yeah, so they can just get a hold of us anywhere at Fort Hays State University and they get a hold of me, I can give you my email or I don't have a phone number on me from my office. I don't know that quite yet. It just started. So
James Bell
fair enough. You know, and I've been here three years, I can't tell you my office line either sorry. But you're listening. Yeah, I just use my cell phone.
So it is $45 a month, you pay as a membership. And then you can come Monday through Friday, every single day, if you'd like to, we can give you different hours, we try to leave it open up for general hours in the morning. Because it's no longer staffed by full time position. That's faculty running it. The hours have changed a little bit, but we tried to be as flexible as possible.
James Bell
Okay, so is there you mentioned insurances? Is this covered at all by insurance? Are you guys strictly Okay, cash kind of service provider,
this is strictly cash service provider, we do not bill insurance. Now the neat thing is now, you know, say you do want someone to provide you with a little bit more guidance, supervision, because you're a big fall risk, you have these certain things going on, and you want someone maybe more than a personal trainer or a fitness expert, when you being a physical therapist, I can guide you through that stuff, give you the exercises you need, maybe do some hands on strategies. And the nice part is we don't have to bill insurance, so we're not restricted or limited by anything.
James Bell
Okay. And then I wonder if you want to talk a little bit about the role the students play in this? Because I mean, I it's obviously it's on campus, it's probably an academic kind of training exercise for them. But how does that all work together? Yeah, so
we use it a lot for professional development. And a lot of kids are going pre professional programs. So this gives them an experience to be hands on and actually see some people in the clinic with real disease real diagnosis, and then get to work with clinicians like Macy. And I,
James Bell
you know, historically, do the students always kind of have that track where they were seeing those hands on or is that relatively new kind of part of the field? It has
been going on for quite a while, I think they've had this for five or six years, somewhere along those lines, I'm not 100% Sure. But with myself being in the clinic, now we have a more clinical approach, I believe, we can start doing some more stuff to get them a little bit more specific into different tracks professionally that you want to take.
James Bell
Okay, you know, I'm just curious, what does a training track look like? Is that a standard four year program? Or is it kind of like a doctor program where they have the post secondary, and they have to do specialized training and all that to get certified or or
sure what I'm talking about physical therapy. So if you go pre professional PT at Fort Hays, you're gonna get your four year bachelor's degree, you'll have some specific prereqs you have to take and then after that, you'll go to a post professional or postgraduate school, which is going to be three years and you'll end up with a doctorate of physical therapy. So it's four years of bachelors, you apply to whatever program going to get into and then it's three years of additional graduate work.
James Bell
Okay, so yeah, that's like a doctor, as long as the training and lots of education I love that because that's who you know. You think talk about these things. And it seems like Google Now, everything is accessible, you can look it up, you can learn, you know, learn those exercises, but having that specialized training and having that people direct to you, probably when you're talking about physio, specialty, physical health, is a much better way to go. And having to have that training probably is invaluable to the, in the in the field,
right? Absolutely. And the nice part is they learn to work with patients and console them. So, you know, in the medical field, No, you go to see the doctor, you're gonna see the doctor for four and a half, five minutes, when you come see a physical therapist or with a clinician, you're gonna see them for 45 minutes to an hour. So there's a lot of personal one on one relationships, they start to figure out how to talk to different generations, you know, there's many years difference between most people they're going to work with, so trying to learn how to communicate, relate to them, not be offensive, and kind of find things they're interested in is a really nice aspect. They, they learned to develop their soft skills very well.
James Bell
Yeah. And you know, we're hearing more and more about that how important those are in almost every academic pursuit, but especially out in the workforce, having those abilities in those skills kind of translates to everything we do. Absolutely, you know, with this program as well, I wonder if you want to talk a little bit about some of the well, I don't know what what the right word would be. But some of the maybe the specifics, like what does the physical therapy look like? Or is it just so different for everybody that it doesn't take any sort of standard track?
Yeah. So you know, in general, we're going to be working on making sure people aren't high fall risk. So if you come in and say you have difficulty walking, we call that gait training. You know, if you're in a wheelchair, and you want to be able to get up and transfer move around a little bit, those are things we can work on. A lot of it is technique based, making sure you do it safely and appropriately and efficiently based on whatever you have going on. You know, the students like to work on the gait training, because it's interesting for them to see how different people walk to learn those different techniques. And the whole goal is to keep you more independent. So you're not having to go live in a nursing home or do something along those lines. We I mean, it's different for everyone, a lot of it's gonna involve the gait training, cardiovascular training, strength training, there's different balance technique techniques. We don't do a lot of hands on manual there. That's kind of not the point. But no, if that needs to be done, we can do a little bit of that too.
James Bell
Okay. Well, we get just about we've gotten under a minute left. I wonder if you want to share any last thoughts or anything else before we go?
No, I just say if you're interested, please try to get a hold of us. You know, I did not bring my contact information. So I'll get that to you, James. But you know, anyone that's really thinking about, Hey, I just want to get active, get involved, but I've got certain things going on where I really want to be supervised. We'd be a great place a great fit for you

Friday Sep 16, 2022
HPD Chief shares back-to-school safety tips
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Hays Cheif of Police Don Schiebler shares back-to-school safety tips.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
As students ease into the school year, it's time to be a little bit extra cautious. Hays Police Department Chief Don Scheibler stops by to share some tips to stay safe and out of trouble. On this episode of the Post Podcast.
you can definitely tell what's changed with the pulse of the community. For K State being back in session, Technical College, Academy Hair Design, all these students are back in town really makes the town enjoyable. That increase in traffic and school being session really gotta be very cautious with our driving, especially in those school zones, we have to remind people that a school is going to you got to slow down to 20 Going by the school districts, school areas, find that those fines are doubled. We just issued a $200 ticket yesterday for 17 miles over the school zone out 30 miles over the speed limit is just too fast, because kids out there on bicycles walking. So that's just a reminder on that day to slow down and make sure they buckle up and drive safe. But we were like having buddy back in town, it definitely creates more excitement for us.
James Bell
Absolutely. You know, I always like about the college. There's always that learning period for those new kids. And the one ways and I was there 20 years ago, and I'm sure I made it the wrong way more than once. But I've seen a few. Those poor kids, they always look so shocked when you're like No, no, no, you're going the wrong way. But I'm glad to hear that there's been real no major incidents or accidents least yet right?
No, no major incident, like you said that first month for us is Roya educational period, we try and educate people, a lot of communities a lot of I came from a town of 500 people what side of the street you parked on right didn't matter in Bennington, Kansas. But when they come here, we have to make sure they're parking the right way, going the right way on a one way streets and driving the speed limit wearing the seat belts. But again, just a little things. And at first, that first month truly is an educational period of trying to get people in line. So we have seen a bit of an increase. We haven't seen this in the past. We used to see a lot of house parties. But in recent years, we haven't seen house parties. But we're starting to see house parties with 150 200 people and I think COVID has eventually over to pandemics eventually over people were out socializing again. But we're seeing a lot of underage drinking. So we want to remind everybody yet to be 21 Make sure that everybody's aware that in the city haze, there's the public possession ordinance, even if you're 21, you can't be on a public street or public sidewalk with an open container. And we really encourage those people having house parties. So a couple of different things that we can do. They can number one, they can register their party with the Hayes Police Department, through the Student Government Association for the State University. That gives us a contact person gives them a party pack on some things to not to do during the party and how to be successful. But most importantly for us, it gives us a contact number for somebody to reach out to. And if we get a phone call saying hey, the party is too loud, can you do something about that? Well, supervisor would do we'll call that person up tape, we got to complain about your party, we need you to quiet it down. Most of time that works. And the police department have to go to the party then. So that's worked out very well for us. But if they don't, we have to go there and a person can be issued a citation for a loud noise disturbance. We're also having some morning NAFTA issues. A lot of times we have this big party and the next day you have this huge mess in the front yard. Going by and knocking on the door telling people we have to get that cleaned up. And for the most part, they're cooperative for that too. They're, they're good kids, they're just having a good time. And we just have to remind them that they're their neighbors. Now you have to be a good neighbor. So it's a it's a learning experience, and we appreciate them being here.
James Bell
Very cool. I like to hear that, you know, it will be so easy, I think for for any police department to take that adversarial role, but I like that you're kind of taking that we're a community partner, do the right things and we won't bother you just you know, stay safe and be careful and let us know what's going on.
And absolutely and those students are so important to our to our community. And we do see them as community partners we do see them as as part of our community. More importantly for us parents from across the state from across the country from around the world and send us their most protecting the most prized possession their children. And our goal is to keep them safe while they're going to school here and getting their education. And I start when we take that responsible very served seriously so we really have to make sure that we're being educational but holding them keeping them safe at the same time. So it works out pretty well for us. So
James Bell
very good. Well any other last thoughts or anything else you want hit on before we
go? No, I really don't. And then the fact that this reminder again, there's a lot more increase in traffic. Make sure that you slow down through those school zones. Let's buckle up. Stop the stop sign is because be extra careful. Forex people say it's successful

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Upcoming craft fair supports cancer non-profit
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Your Voice Through Cancer event coordinator Amanda Long and Kate Armstrong, along with president and co-founder Judy Stegman discuss their upcoming craft fair.

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Upcoming craft fair supports cancer non-profit
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Your Voice Through Cancer event coordinators Kate Armstrong and Amanda Long, along with co-founder and president Judy Stegman share details of the upcoming craft fair.

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Hays Chamber continues work to serve area businesses
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast, Hays Chamber president and CEO Sarah Wasinger discusses how the Chamber works to serve area businesses.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
The Hays Chamber continues to be a champion for area businesses, President and CEO Sarah Wasinger stops by to share some of the details of benefits of membership on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Sarah Wasinger
Very often we talk about the different activities or events that we have going on. There's always a ton of those, there's always a ton of those Exactly. But kind of getting back to the meat and potatoes of what we as a chamber do to support our businesses and nonprofit organizations. Because I know we talk a lot about, it's not just businesses that can benefit but our nonprofits to have a lot to gain from being a vested member in our chamber. So one of the big things, obviously, that we've been talking about this last year has been the chamber blue of Kansas Association health plan. And so our Chamber members that are at the connector level or higher, actually have the ability to access that plan. A little bit later, we'll talk about one of our newer chamber member levels for childcare providers, they actually can access that plan too. So that's kind of kind of be a new benefit that we're going to be able to give to our childcare providers that might be listening. Oh, very cool. Yes. One of the other things that we talked about so much her businesses is workforce, and that job attraction is just really challenging and competitive right now. And so a back end, the end of June this year, we actually added the ability for businesses that are Chamber members to post their weekend job positions on our chambers website. So they can actually log into their account, copy and paste, whatever job posting, they already have available. It's not really recreating the wheel, if they're advertising that job in other places, why not do it on the Chamber's website, too. And we know that there's a lot of folks when they're considering moving to Hayes and Ellis County, that their first stop is actually our chamber website. And so if we had those jobs available on the website, that might be a good place for people to have additional visibility.
James Bell
Yeah, and I would think anybody right now looking for help, probably any little bit of assistance they can get is much appreciated.
Sarah Wasinger
Absolutely. And you can be as thorough with those job postings as you want to be or as minimal. You know, if you want to get your benefits package and things of that nature in there, you can also select a date range for when you want that job to be open. And then if for any reason, you get very lucky and you find that perfect person sooner than later, we can manually take down the job listing. So it's not being advertised past. It's needed a timeline. Very cool, very cool. One of the things that we also talk about on a regular basis is our hot deals. And so this is something the end of the year that we're always reminding our members, you know, make sure you use up those benefits that are a part of your membership package before you lose them by the end of the year. And so hot deals are a way for businesses to upload different savings or maybe tickets for an event that they're trying to sell. Or maybe just a new product or service that they're trying to get off the ground and running, all those different types of things. Maybe you're a nonprofit, and you're just looking to have board members, and you want that extra place to advertise that you're seeking board members, it doesn't necessarily have to be something that you're selling, it could just be another advertising tool, essentially, that you're already paying for within your membership. And if you look at his chamber.com, and then you look at the top right hand side of the page, there's going to be a hot deals logo. And so you literally just click on that, and you'll be able to access all of the hot deals that we currently have for our members.
James Bell
Very cool. I like going in there and I was clicking while you were talking. I didn't get there fast enough to see what you have out there. Because I always like to go and see because there's always some really cool stuff going on there. And oh, yeah, I don't want to I don't want to spoil it. But I wish it's mentioned this the like, pays Public Library wine and cheese fundraiser. We were just talking about this a little bit earlier. Yes, that's on there.
Sarah Wasinger
Absolutely. So it's like I said, it's a great way to just kind of talk about events, sell tickets, and things of that nature. Another thing that we'd love to do, and we talked a little bit about this a few weeks ago was our Community Guide. And so that is a piece that we utilize as a Chamber of Commerce to really market Hayes. We worked very closely with our Hayes Convention and Visitor's Bureau to put that piece together every year, we only feature Chamber members. That's a very big important thing for folks to remember. Because we'll actually have some people call and say, Hey, we want to be in the Cirrus Community Guide. Well, let's talk membership. First, we want to feature as many businesses as possible. But really at the end of the day, we are funded by our membership dues and non dues revenue. So that is why we solely focus on, you know, connecting our Chamber members to our community.
James Bell
Yeah, absolutely. I'm sure you would do it for free, if you could, but that's just not realistic.
Sarah Wasinger
It's not realistic. That's right. So we we in general love and want to support the entire business community. But at the end of the day, you have to take care of the hand that feeds you. And so that's kind of how we reserve that right for that.
James Bell
Absolutely. And, you know, speaking of that, yeah, I think a lot of times those Chamber members, they can kind of help each other out but just because of the commute already kind of sense of it all.
Sarah Wasinger
Yes, that's one thing that we actually talked about at the office that we've really been seeing a lot of lately, James is, you know, when we have members that are hosting a chamber chat or ribbon cutting, we are finding out that they're utilizing other Chamber members, when they're, you know, scheduling people to help, you know, have their food and beverages ready for their events and things like that. And we love that. It's really just a cross support of those who are, you know, there to invest their time with one another. So, speaking of events, that's obviously another huge benefit for our members, is our chamber will come in into whether it'd be a chamber chat, or ribbon cutting a groundbreaking for a new project, perhaps you are just needing to, you know, talk about an anniversary that you're celebrating and things of that nature, we want to come in and celebrate those big, special events with you as a chamber. Obviously, our group of ambassadors is a group of 50 men and women who it's their job to come to those events, and to learn about the products and services, or just in general more about what that business has to offer our community. And then they become the word of mouth advertising arm as well as our staff. And because they've gone to that event, they've learned about what your business can do. And they'll start being that referral system for you in the community. And there's nothing more powerful than that. And really, at the end of the day, some of our events and just getting more intimate with our members, by understanding everything that they have to offer, that's one of the largest benefits of membership is because we've now connected you to the rest of the business community that kind of is buying into and believing in the fact that we are stronger when we work together.
James Bell
Absolutely. You know, we talk about all day tech, get social media and all that kind of stuff interjecting into our lives. But a lot of times that old school, just kind of classic networking, that the big shaken palms, and having the face to face time really is what matters to
Sarah Wasinger
folks, really, it is so important. And, you know, I still think that we value the old way of doing things here in Ellis County. And like you said, just breaking bread with people, you know, spending intentional time with folks. There's nothing better than that. And quite frankly, it's probably the most rewarding part of our jobs is because we get to then celebrate the successes of our members and what's going on in our community.
James Bell
Very cool. To me, like going on in the community, you guys are always I see out and about, or almost every meeting, there's somebody there, it's usually you. But yeah, like sitting meetings, county meetings, you guys are also dialed in to all of those kinds of happenings as well.
Sarah Wasinger
Absolutely. So from an advocacy standpoint, you know, we talked about the things that happen in the background that maybe aren't quite as visible. And so us attending those meetings just really makes sure that we as an organization are plugged into the different projects and things going on. And so you know, for our members that do construction or things like that, you know, that gives us the option to say, Hey, have you seen the project that's going on here? Do you know that there's a bid going on over on this side of things. So again, just making sure that our government entities, they do a really good job, I believe, for the most part in choosing local contractors and things like that, to so long as they're available to do the work. I know that they were very cognizant about keeping our money local. So we very much appreciate and value that as well.
James Bell
Very cool. You know, there are some, also some tangible, I think financial benefits to being a chamber member, especially when you talk about some of the events that you guys do down there.
Sarah Wasinger
Yes, so we do offer discounts to several of our members for some of our kind of professional development programming. Um, so obviously, we partner very well with our Fort Hays State University Management Development Center. And so you can get a 15% discount by doing the programs through them. And there are a few throughout the year that that does not apply to you. But in general, you can get a discount, or bulk mail stamp for people who still want to do a traditional mail service for advertising or marketing. And sometimes that can be enough to pay for the membership itself. And if you're just even doing one mailing
James Bell
mailing gets ridiculously expensive, if you're a business owner out there, and you've never had to bike mail, things like the bill just it just you just watch it rack up, it's ding ding, ding, ding, ding. Oh, my goodness, one, how much am I spending on shipping out things?
Sarah Wasinger
Come see us. Dale Carnegie's another one of those great, you know, partnerships that we have our members receive a 15% discount for that. And then even Eagle meds flight service for if you need to be airlifted. You know, if the end for seeable should happen. You know, that's a good discount that you can access to so just a lot of different things that you can take advantage of. And we have discounts on the Community Guide, you know, that we were talking about, depending on the different level of membership that you have to
James Bell
Yeah, very cool. Very cool. Well, we got just a few minutes left and I want to hear more about this thing we talked about we stopped if I can get it out. The thing we started this segment with Yes. I want to hear more. You wanna hear more? I want to hear more about the gosh, now I've drawn a blank on the name of it is hoping you'd have it The membership packet. Yes, yes, the membership.
Sarah Wasinger
So the membership packet can currently be found on the Hayes chamber website. And you'll see it broken down into two different ways. We have a packet that describes and outlines our current levels for 2022. And then we also have a packet for 2023. So if you're maybe planning on membership for next year, but don't really know where to start, I would just encourage folks to go look at that membership packet there, the childcare level of membership is what you will see that's new. And then we have that community level that are new. And we really wanted to do a benefit that was good for our providers. And so we want to elevate how they're seen across the community, and really bring them into the business community as well. So that's kind of why our board has approved a special level for them. And that gives them unique benefits. And then our community level, should you not be a business per se, but you're just out there and you want to support what the chamber has going on. There's a level there for you too. And that gets you communication from the form of our weekly news blasts, as well as hard newsletter, and just in general, any text notifications or things that go out for events and stuff like that. So it's a great way to stay involved and still support the things we have going on.
James Bell
Very cool. Very cool. And you mentioned the events, we got to talk about this. You've got a good number of them going on again this week, right? We do
Sarah Wasinger
so our hy IPS will have an opportunity to learn about how to do grocery planning, reducing waste and saving money at their x y p event today. And that'll be at 4:30pm at the Hayes Public Library. And Natalie Clemmer on one of our committee chairs is going to be hosting that. And then we also have today, or excuse me Thursday, I think I had a typo there. We're going to be celebrating a another groundbreaking at the Ark Park with the Wonder Woman link. They have a new security project that they're going to be unveiling that day. So very excited. Please come out for that. It's a wonderful park. And this project is going to make sure that it's accessible for folks for years to come. Love that.
James Bell
Yeah, well, if you haven't, if you just haven't been down there yet, go by and check it out. Even if you don't, you know, get out and get into the splashpad. It's really cool just to see the work they did down there.
Sarah Wasinger
It's an amazing opportunity to enjoy our community that much more, that's for sure. And then Thursday as well. We have our H yp Third Thursday social that will be held at the Paisley pear, wine bar bistro and market that starts at 515. And then we finished the week off Friday with our chamber chat with DSN Wk is custom creations. And then at noon, we'll have our ambassador lunch at the Rose Garden banquet home catering on Friday. Very cool,
James Bell
very cool. I love the DSW case custom creations. I've been in there a few times. And I'm always so excited to see the products but then I want to spend more money than I actually should. Well, I
Sarah Wasinger
think the thing that's unique about them is every piece is original, it celebrates a good cause and it gives a different population the chance to hone in on some of their skills that they've got tapped away. So what's better? It's just lets us see something different every time

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Mix 103.3’s Friday Night Finds: Sept. 9, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
The latest Friday Night Finds from Mix 103.3 FM.
Play the song at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkll0StZJLA&t=67s.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
School year programing underway at the Hays Public Library
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
School year programming is underway at the Hays Public Library as they continue to develop their technological resources. Communications Coordinator, Callie Kolacny stops by to share the details on this episode of the Post Podcast.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
Callie Kolacny
We always have good entertainment going on in some form or another. But I want to mention first, our foundation fundraisers coming up this Saturday. We've been talking about it for a couple of months now, but it's actually coming up this Saturday 630 to around nine tickets are still available, but not very many, we are almost at our max limit for our tickets. So if you still want tickets, you need to go ahead and either go to the library to purchase them or go online to Hayes library.org. And you'll see the little scrolling thing and click on the fundraiser and you can buy your tickets there they cost $30 apiece, we have had to have a change with our keynote speaker Marcy Penner from the Kansas sampler foundation. Excuse me, he was going to be here. But she for some unforeseen circumstances is not able to but we were very lucky to get Bob Dixon Bob Dixon was the mayor of Greensburg, after the tornado wiped out the town. And he's the one that helped really spurred the reclamation of of Greensburg and so I think he'll have a really interesting talk. And some I've had some friends that have seen him before. And it's we're very lucky to have been able to get him on such short notice.
James Bell
That's incredible. Yes, I've actually had the opportunity to myself to hear him speak and not not recently, I think it's been a number of years ago. But yeah, real interesting story and, and the work they had to do to put that town back together. It's just, it's incredible the planning and the forethought, but then also the work that has started to go behind it.
Callie Kolacny
Yeah, the direction that they took it into with being very sustainable. It's just really interesting. So we're excited. To have Bob Dixon come, we have will have a raffle a little bit of a silent auction. We've had some great sponsors and donations from a lot of wonderful people around the town. And so we're very excited. Yeah, it's gonna be fun night.
James Bell
Very cool. You know, I wonder real quickly before we talked about some of these other events, if you want to talk to us about why is the foundation so important to the library?
Callie Kolacny
Sure. The foundation is the fundraising arm of the library. So when we get donations and things and that goes through the foundation, it can be out anything from if somebody wants to, you know, give us $50, or write a check for any amount of money or some end of life planning types of things and trusts and stuff like that, that can all go through the foundation. We also have an account with the Heartland Community Foundation, so you can make donations to the his Public Library Foundation through them as well. And then that money goes back into the library for mainly non budgeted items, things, things that come up that we need at the library, but it wasn't something that was specifically planned for or budgeted necessarily. One of the things we've been wanting to do that we wanted to do was the bookmobile. Well, the foundation paid for half of the bookmobile the other half with thingies, Hanson Foundation. And so, our phone Foundation was able to without that money we would not have been able to have the bookmobile they also paid for and this was a budgeted item. But yet they were able to put money into the most recent renovation. And that was able to fund some of the you know, as you're doing a renovation, little things come up or you think, Oh, if we only had a little bit more money, we can make that a little bit better. Well, those kinds of donations from the foundation and from the Friends of the public library, those helped to get those things that were maybe just a little bit nicer, a little bit more fitting with what we needed at the library so that they're the ones that are doing things like that, by raising that money. And because they've spent so much money in the last couple of years on those big projects, we kind of need to refill those coffers. So that's a little bit about what the foundation fundraiser is about, but also just raise awareness that it does exist and why it's important to the library, because they can make all of those donations. Very cool. Sure.
James Bell
It's gonna be a great time.
Callie Kolacny
It'll be so much fun. Come on out, have some cheese and wine and little mini cheesecakes and lots of great conversation. Listen to Bob Dixon, maybe come away with some fun raffle prizes or something. It's yeah, it's gonna be a great time. Absolutely.
James Bell
Very cool. All right. Well, we got to move on because we got to talk about all these cool events. And this one, I'm curious what this is hummingbirds in Kansas. This is actually starting here in Boston.
Callie Kolacny
Yeah, this is today at 10 o'clock. And it's kind of a late addition. But we're going to have a man there to talk about the hummingbirds and their migration and habitats and how you can maybe attract them and when they would be in Kansas, so if you're curious about that, come on down to the library this morning at 10 o'clock. Also today we have our making sense of series continues, it's making sense of gardening, we'll talk more about seed saving. That'll be today at 530 this evening. Tomorrow, we have another program that we're just lucky to be able to get bicycling with monarchs. So the monarch butterflies, Sarah Dykeman, rode her bicycle over 10,000 miles, and followed the migration of the monarch butterflies through three countries. And she wrote a book on it. And she just happens to be passing through town right this week, and was able to stop by tomorrow at 530 and to talk about her experience, and she'll do a book signings. So if your sounds fascinating to me, I will definitely be there to hear about this. So that's tomorrow at 530, we are bringing back the cookbook club. So we'll take a couple different cookbooks each month and you can look through a make a recipe and come and share with the group that'll be on the third Thursdays at 11am. We've got a program on Saturday this will be before the foundation fundraiser, You've Got Mail, we're exploring letter writing through history. That'll be Saturday at 11am as part of our world language club, which is a new monthly program on the third Thursdays. We're gonna have Harry Potter night family night, we always do this every year. It's a lot of fun. This will be on September 29, at five o'clock, five, five to seven. So if you're a Harry Potter family, come on out and share Harry Potter family nights and then Oktoberfest at the library. We do our own Oktoberfest with a hot shots poker ban on the week, week and before the other Oktoberfest so that'll be on October 1 from 10am to 1pm.
James Bell
Very cool King enough poker? Oh, of course. Always good time. Like
Callie Kolacny
we're gonna have beer rocks. Yeah. Looks better than that. Yeah, sure. Cool.
James Bell
Very cool. All right. Well, I'm wondering about this the 100 books before high school 100 books before graduation. We talked I think very briefly about that last time, is that still going on?
Callie Kolacny
Well, this is a new thing, actually. Because we always we've been doing 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, that's been going on for quite a while. So now we're expanding it and trying to get the teenagers involved. So we're doing 100 books before high school. So that's for the middle school aged kids. And then 100 books before graduation for the high schoolers, you can register through Beanstack. So again, we're doing being stack, registering keep track of all of your books, and and win some prizes along the way. And just really trying to get you know, more than more interested in reading it can that can be a difficult age for them to be interested in it. So it's just a fun thing for us to do to try to try to spur them along.
James Bell
Yeah, absolutely. And while you're on your phone, download that Beanstack app if you don't have it, which is cool. Great. And you also use that frog to summer events. Reading stuff. Yeah. What's what you got a library I'm
Callie Kolacny
so excited about this. My we have a haze Public Library app, what you do is go to your app store, whether it's, you know, whichever kind of phone you've got, and download my Libra myl I BRL, Miley bro, and then search for Hayes Public Library. When you find that, then you'll put in your library card number and your PIN number. The pin number is your last four digits of your library card number. That's important I learned. Very important, you got to have that the last four digits of your library card numbers, your pin number. And through this app, you can then manage all of your library cards, say your family each you and your kids, they all have a different library card, you can put them all on the app. And it's so you can manage your all of your library card accounts. You can access the digital resources. If you like to read books through or listen to books through Libby, it's right there. You don't even need the Libby app anymore. If you like to use hoopla you still need the hoopla app. But if you find the book that you want, it'll take you directly to the hoopla app. You can also of course, search the library catalog you can place holds, you can place il l request. There's a digital barcode on there so that you can use in the building on the kiosk so that you don't need your physical library card necessarily. So if you happen to leave it in the car, and but you've got your phone, then you're good to go. It's it's it's a lot of it's great. I mean, it has everything that you could want pretty much for the library and you can access the library website, the event calendar, all of that through the app.
James Bell
I love that. And you know, I really like you guys are always so you're so tech forward and connecting all these things and hoopla and especially hoopla I love hoopla get in there all the time. But the digital resources and then to tie it all together into this like very cool and it's not intimidating at all. And if you do run into problems like like I did, you just contact the library. It's so super helpful. I don't remember the young woman's name that helped me out a couple of weeks ago but um, and she was great and very patient and I just felt like a fool because I couldn't make this work. And she's like, Oh, you just do this and this and this, but it was perfect.
Callie Kolacny
Well good. I'm very glad to hear that. But yeah, if you aren't sure how to download any of the the app or anything else hoopla things like come to the library, we would be so happy to help you. I helped a guy download the hoopla app the other day because he wanted to listen to the Hobbit. And that was the device that it was on. And so we downloaded it. He was good to go. It took very little, not even five minutes to get it done. And, yeah, when we want to help, we want you to have all access to all of these wonderful things that we have at the library.
James Bell
Absolutely. Now, there's one last thing we got, we got to talk about before we go this is early active reading, what is this about this is this kicked off already?
Callie Kolacny
Yes, it started in September. And it's a new program. And it's on Friday mornings at 11am. It's really for three to five year olds and kind of early elementary that aren't in school. And it's exercise the body and the mind. The other day, they were exploring the letter S and had big S's in tape on the floor. And they were using like little toy cars to trace the shape of the s things like that. So it does some physical movement, along with trying to work that into to the mind as they learn how to read and they learn their letters and things like that. So it's just it's a new program there. I also want to mention really quick tutoring, we do have our tutoring is back with the support, hey, students, and they're there and they're ready to help us generally from three to six. On Wednesdays, there's somebody there's that's at two o'clock. So if you want to bring somebody early than two to six, but they're great, they can really help with I mean, even even math, I mean, how many parents understand today's math.
James Bell
I don't, I can't help we had we had to hire a tutor because I can help my kids with
Callie Kolacny
math and you can get free after school tutoring at the library. If you want more information on it or to make an appointment, go to Hayes library.org/tutoring to go ahead and get on there to make sure that you've got to set aside time. But they also will do Watkins if they're not already busy, and they're upstairs on the second floor. All right.
James Bell
I love that. And what a cool program and such as such an asset to the community. You guys provide that for free. That's very cool.
Callie Kolacny
Yeah, we want to be able to make sure that we can help those kids in whatever the way they need.
James Bell
Awesome. Kelly, before we go, how can they find out more information?
Callie Kolacny
Sure, go to our website, as I've mentioned a couple times Hayes library.org You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We're also on tick tock now. Tick tock or give us a call 6259014

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
FHSU Alumni Association prepares for 2022 Homecoming
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Fort Hays State University Alumni Association engagement strategist Carolyn Tatro shares FHSU Homecoming 2022 details.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
The Fort Hays State University Alumni Association is get ready for this year's homecoming, Alumni Engagement strategist, Carolyn Tatro stops by to share some of the details on this episode of the post podcast.
Carolyn Tatro
It's only got a month away at this point, right about a month away and really for homecoming for us. It's there are parts of it that are year round. But by the time we get to this time of year, we kind of can't believe that it's already around the corner. And we have some really exciting things planned. So I'm really looking forward to it. I know a lot of other people are too.
James Bell
Yeah, yeah, it's always a good time. And I know, you know, COVID kind of changed some things, you guys introduced some virtual events, and that seemed to go over really well just, you know, as we were having to deal with that, but a lot of back to normal kind of stuff. Um, you know, oh, my goodness, look at the list of thing. No, lots of stuff going on. Yeah, you want to give us some highlights?
Carolyn Tatro
Yes. So first of all, we had a record sell out of the golf tournament. So the golf tournament is currently sold out. It's one of our most popular events throughout the three days, which by the way, before I forget, October 6, seventh, and eighth is what we're talking about here for our alumni homecoming events, the golf tournament sold out in five days, which record for us. So we're excited about that. But we, we know a lot of people didn't get into it, but we you know, give us a call and we want to talk to you about it. Because there's a lot of other things that you can do lunch with Coach Brown is also happening that afternoon, which the golfers can participate in because it's during lunch. So we want people to come and have lunch with football coach, Chris Brown and and learn a little bit about game day routines, and learn about the team, that kind of stuff. So that'll be a really exciting event as well. And then I know later that evening, we'll have the bonfire. Hopefully Weather permitting knock on wood was a great event last year. So hopefully we'll get to do the bonfire again.
James Bell
You guys do that right there to the the west of the Alumni Center, right
Carolyn Tatro
right next to the Robins.
James Bell
The one that always floods.
Carolyn Tatro
Hopefully we're you know, we're again, month away. We'll see what happens. But the bonfire is always a big event when we get to do it. So yeah, very fun. Yeah. And then lots of exciting things planned for Friday. And we have a rather exciting slate of award recipients this year, our homecoming awards are always, you know, a really big deal. There are some of the most distinguished alums that we get to celebrate. And Friday is sort of the the big day to do that Friday and Saturday, we get to have lots of events to celebrate these award winners. So looking forward to that have people from all over the place that I'm looking forward to meeting in person, some really fascinating individuals that I think people want to meet.
James Bell
Yeah, for sure. You want to tell us maybe what some of those awards are? I know, I've seen them year after year, but I'm drawing a blank. Yes.
Carolyn Tatro
So we have four awards that we honor at homecoming. One is the Alumni Achievement Award is sort of the most prestigious for our alums via NIDA, Landrum and distinguished service awards are some of the others. This year, we are honoring four Alumni Achievement Award recipients and two Young Alumni Award recipients. So we've got alumni achievement, and NIDA Landrum Distinguished Service and young alum. And the this year, we have four alumni achievement, and two young alum award recipients. So very exciting people.
James Bell
Cool. Cool. Yeah, I'm gonna talk more about these events. But I am curious, like, how do those folks get selected? You guys drop out a hat or is there a vote
Carolyn Tatro
there. So we have a nomination process that takes place, December, I read around December in January, we open it up for about a month, but people are sending us names year round, you know, oh, I met so and so who's doing some really cool things that you guys need to know about. So we do collect names pretty much year round. Our Alumni Board has a committee that reviews these nominations. And then based on specific criteria, we they select who they believe should be the standout award winners for the coming year. So the selection is usually made end of January, sometime in February. So a lot of us are sitting on this secret for several months before we finally announced them in the summer.
James Bell
I can tell by your face. You know who they are?
Carolyn Tatro
Oh, yes, yeah. And we know we, we know who they are for a long time. And we usually release, we put out the press release in the summer. So, you know, it's it's maybe six months before we get to tell the public about it. But um, yeah, they're out there. And I think some people are very excited about who we get to celebrate this year. Very cool.
James Bell
Very cool. Well, moving back into some of these events. I mean, that's gonna be fun. That's again on Friday. I had it open in the morning, Friday morning, but lots of stuff going on that Friday afternoon night, right?
Carolyn Tatro
Yes, that's right. So Friday morning, we will have a meet and greet for these award recipients now I should say. So John Allen, who is a world renowned journalist in Rome, he will be unable to join us but we're So excited to celebrate him. And also Mike McCarthy, who's the current head football coach of the Dallas Cowboys. He's a little busy right now. So he's not going to be able to do it because I know he's he's got some things going on. But we're really excited the meet and greet will involve Judy billings, who's a lifelong nurse educator, Don Richardson, who's also a lifelong educator been teaching for more than 50 years. Tory blue, who is the current House Majority Whip in Topeka. She's great Ben native ran for office before she even graduated from Fort Hays, and then Brandon Penny, who I'm very excited to meet great creative mind doing some really cool things in New York for Saks Fifth Avenue. So it's, those four individuals will be at the meet and greet. And there'll be at the Alumni and Friends awards banquet on Friday evening, as well. So just a couple of different opportunities to meet them on Friday, they'll be doing some presentations in classes, mostly from the departments that they graduated from, but opportunities to speak to students, and then we get to celebrate them in the parade on saturday as well. So get to spend some time with them this week, that weekend.
James Bell
I love that. And you know, it's always so amazing to me. The I mean, obviously, we have a large number of alumni out there doing amazing things, but it always seems like you guys are finding new ones that you know, maybe the general public doesn't know or people that left years ago, and they're doing amazing things internationally. You're on the coasts. Yeah. And it's like an endless supply of amazing four days long.
Carolyn Tatro
I'm telling you even just yesterday, there were a couple people who came up to me and said, Did you know that so and so has a connection to Fort Hays? And it's, it's really cool to see some of these names that you're right, we just we don't always know that they have the connection to Fort Hays. And that's why we like to celebrate them with some of these awards, because it's just a really exciting time our community gets to see how connected we are to some people that are doing some really amazing things out in the world.
James Bell
Yeah, very cool. And to be able to celebrate and bring everybody together, or almost everybody in this case and, and hang out and get to meet those individuals. What a cool experience.
Carolyn Tatro
Yep. So a lot of those events, you can check out the full list of our events at fhsu homecoming.com. Now, I will say that is the website for our alumni events. There's a lot of other stuff happening happening on campus that week of Homecoming. So make sure you check out the fhsu website as well, but fhsu homecoming.com. A lot of the events that I've mentioned already, you do have to pre register for, but you can do that through September 29. So you still have a couple of weeks to do that. But we were very excited. And yeah, I can't contain it. Honestly, this is one of my favorite, favorite times of the year, just getting ready for all this and then watching it all come together and and seeing people come to the events is just a really great time.
James Bell
Yeah, I bet because I mean, you guys have to plan this for such a long time. There's so many moving pieces, and especially when with your events, and then the university events you got a whole has to coordinate together and to some degree and so many people make this event how happened it just you know, everybody gets together have a great time. But there's a lot of work in the behind the scenes.
Carolyn Tatro
That's right, and we participate with Oktoberfest as well. We're going to have an Oktoberfest tent out there, come out, meet people, you know, if you're meeting up with a group of friends, our tent will be a great place to do that. Sit down, enjoy the delicious food and the atmosphere will be out there both days too. So again, something happening pretty much every day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday through a homecoming so yeah, on on all the time.
James Bell
And Oktoberfest you also know that's separate, but it's the same. And it brings a lot of people to town to do that. But while you're there, come make the connection to Fort Hays, where you connect with Fort Hays and go check out the bit like if you've been on campus, holy smokes, it still boggles my mind. How much has changed even from the time that we were there, which was, you know, we're pushing in almost a decade, I think since we both graduated, but so much activity, physical activities there. And it's just, it's still it's great. It looks amazing. But it's different. And it's it's a it's fun to explore even I think some of those new facilities and buildings
Carolyn Tatro
it is. And we do offer, you know, we offer the opportunity for people to take tours of campus while they're out there as well. Even some of our awardees that I've talked to on the phone, I haven't been to campus in a long time is there going to be a chance for me to see, you know, this such and such new building or my building has been renovated since I was there. So you know, things are changing all the time. And they still are and so yeah, this is another just a great time for people to come see how things are different on campus and all the cool things that we get to do out there. Absolutely.
James Bell
Well, Carolyn, I tell you, we've got just about a minute left last thoughts or anything else you think that folks need to know before we go?
Carolyn Tatro
Well, again, just check out fhsu homecoming.com. We really encourage people to pre register for some of these events because they are going to fill up again lunch with Coach Brown on Thursday afternoon. So that will be October 6 That noon. Again, something we don't get to do all the time. So come and have lunch with the football coach Chris Brown, and then sign up for our alum. I award events as well. So you can meet some of these really cool people we have coming to town, September 29. That is the deadline for a lot of our registered events. Don't
James Bell
wait. Don't get you know what happens when you have a deadline like that. Always for me, people wait
Carolyn Tatro
till the day I wait till the deadline is right. Don't wait till the deadline, get it out, get
James Bell
your computer listening to us and probably at work. So go ahead and just take a minute to lock out. Get it in do it now. Yeah, no, it'd be a good time and hopefully you get a great turnout. And you know, I'll be around I always am.
Carolyn Tatro
Yeah, absolutely. And everybody, give us a call if anybody has questions, lots of stuff happening. So we want to be able to point you in the right direction.

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast USD 489 assistant superintendent Shanna Dinkel shares updates from the district.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
As USD 49 continues in the accreditation process, they are evaluating and enhancing their career exploration and tech education programs. Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Shanna Dinkle stops by to share some of the details on this episode of the post podcast.
Shanna Dinkel
Two big year for our school district in that this is our final year of a what was to be a five year cycle, but really six year with COVID apology are in there of accreditation, so we will send our information about our processes and and how we work for continuous improvement as well as the measures we have in place and the growth we've shown and that will go to the state board this year. And we hope that you know, we will be fully accredited. That's our anticipation. One of the measures, obviously state assessments is a measure in the academic measure that we focus on. But there we look at wider range, because our ultimate goal and rock as a district is a successful high school graduate. And that's so much more than just the academics, it's also admit socially emotionally, how students are and what support they need to be able to get to the academic piece. And so our families of third through 12th graders got an email or a text this week, asking them to opt in and allow us to provide a screener for their students on social, academic, and semi emotional questions. And so that came about because we had some new legislation this past year, which is requiring schools to reach out and let parents know what the tool is, which is very appropriate. And so I just wanted to kind of help explain why that text was sent this year and not in the past. But it is one of the ways in which we look at how students are doing socially, emotionally. We also look that though at attendance, attendance is so important. And then behavior course grades, but that sabres, that screening piece is just another layer in which we can just make sure that we have whatever support is needed for students to be successful. And again, as a successful high school graduate, from pre K, all the way up, everybody plays a role in that. So that was something that was sent out this week. But another big piece and, and one of the data points that really we need to celebrate as a district is the post secondary success of our students, you know, our ultimate goal at the state level is defined at 70 to 75%. Because, according to studies out there, 75% of our graduates will need some type of post secondary education, to to have a workforce, you know, here in Kansas or, or in the nation, those other 25% are also successful, they may be going to the military, they may be taking over the family business. So it's not to say that those aren't successful, but that's our target. And as a district, we're at 69.5% of students who graduate then a year, starting their second year out have been to some tech, Ed type thing or are enrolled in that second year of maybe a two year or four year university. So career tech ed is so huge, and we used to think about it in two groups of our high schoolers college prep or career tech ed. But really, we're all on a pathway to some career in after high school. So it's a large umbrella that really, it's all about career tech ed. And so we have some amazing things happening at our high school. Becky hicker, who is an assistant principal there, she and her team have worked really, really hard. We have career exploration happening. So just a few numbers is last year, we had 9060 students who were out in the community doing some career exploration this year, we have 97. And that wouldn't be possible without partners in the community, with businesses to allow our students to get out there. But it's such a necessary and important piece of students exploring what it is that is of interest to them that they might want to pursue. Post High School.
James Bell
Yeah, if that makes perfect sense because I you know, I think back to my college experience, and I had a pretty major shift mid college, and I say mid I was about four years in when I decided to change majors and have a scene that in advance, I may have made different decisions when I was 18.
Shanna Dinkel
Yes, and so we hope to even grow that. And at last year's class of 2220 22. We had 120 members who were pathway concentrators, so really it has a lot to do with what courses you take and how many, a lot of times students Are we actually enrolled in more than one pathway, but as we call them a pathway concentrator, it's how many they align within a pathway. But we're trying to expand the pathways next year. It's exciting that we hope to have a military and military military health pathway for students who choose to explore that. This year, we're starting our health science pathway. We're partnering with Hays Med, and a grant out of K u. And that's been excited. We have over 70 students who are in the intro to health career courses. And we know how important that is. There's just it's so exciting. And we have students who, you know, some of the NCQA programs that our high schoolers are involved in our Certified Nurse Aide, allied health, pharmacy tech, auto mechanics, so many of those things, we have students who go and attend Fort Hays on campus during the day, or taking online through NC K or Fort Hays on campus at Hays high. So really just you know, one of our core values is selling students on the possibilities and opportunities for their future. And that's really what it's all about. And it's not just something that happens in high school, you know, one of the resources that's available to parents, as parents, we, you know, we want to talk to our kids to about what it is, is of interest to them, there is a program called Higher paths, H AI, R e paths.com. And there were some grant money, and there's some amazing videos, and just talking points for parents, upper elementary are ready to just start thinking and exploring and seeing what's of interest. So lots going on. And again, it's that partnership with parents that the school wants to work with, because that's such an important role in what their student chooses to do post secondary, but good things happening. And like I said, are the 70, nearly 70% of our kids having some success after that high school graduation, that that's awesome. And we want to see that continue to grow?
James Bell
Yeah, you know, I love that I've seen this over the I don't know, I'd say maybe the last 10 years or so really an effort, and especially locally in all of the high schools from Fort Hays and CK tech, USD 49. And the Catholic schools as well to have that kind of overall focus on not pushing children into one thing, university education, but rather, what is it that you like to do? And how do we get you to a successful point there. And I've seen some of the USD 49 tech programs in action. And it is truly incredible. There's constant learning, not only with the students, but with the educators as well. And how do we better implement this? And how do we bring in new tech, and especially on the coding front? It's really just incredible to me to see.
Shanna Dinkel
Yeah, and you know, really, that is the purpose of T CTE is to support and empower schools, developing those pathways to lead students to whatever is post secondary. And a lot of times, we want to train them with that content, like we've talked about, but also can they work with others? That's that social piece? How do they feel about their learning emotionally? Where are they so it's all tied in with like, we talked about social emotional learning is such an important way, and why that's also something that as schools, we want to make sure that we work with parents and help support kids, because a lot of times, it's those soft skills, too, that we want to make sure whether it's growth mindset, working through things, overcoming some difficult situations. So lots of good things happening. And it's exciting to be here. And I look forward to our accreditation that we send to the state board, because I anticipate that we will be fully accredited.
James Bell
Yeah, get that check off. That's, that'll feel so good, I'm sure. Yeah. You know, I'm curious how much of this the shift in education to this kind of newer model where we were on the career track and the pathways? How much of that is the changing education structure? And how much is the changing world we live in? And I think about, you know, all the tech that, you know, I'm at the end of that age that when I was in, you know, my my kids school age, in fourth, fifth grade, we had a computer in the classroom, and it played Oregon Trail. And that was about all it did. You know, we had some typing tutors, but they're what they do on technology is so different and so much more expansive, and a wonder like, if you want to kind of help us, or help us share with us? Are we learning better how to adapt those kids to that world? Or are we learning a better rather how to educate them for that world? If that makes sense? Yeah, it's probably a
Shanna Dinkel
little bit of both. And you know, I think that's why it's important to even start exploring careers because there's so many things out there, our tech will eliminate some jobs and add to others. So we don't even know some of those things that are out there. Sometimes when we think about tech and students are, you know, devices are just second nature to them. As a system, we need to unlearn some of their habits of more just casual use of technology to really get into some specific I'm things with technology. So one of the things that's exciting with the bond passing, again, thanking the community for that opportunity, as we, you know, look at design, we really want to make sure that we're taking into account what our students need for the world beyond high school so that they're ready, including technology and those types of things. So I think it's a little bit of both, it's kind of like our kindergarten readiness, you know, that's another one of our measures for accreditation, we don't want to have students have to fit our environment, we need to know the needs of our incoming kindergarteners and create that environment that meets their needs, where they're at, and then moves them forward. Same thing, when we talk about career tech, Ed, what's out there, and then making sure that we provide that for students to move them forward.
James Bell
And I would imagine, too, at this point, you kind of have to teach students to be I don't know what the right word but able to adapt themselves to the business world because it changes so quickly, you know, like I think of jobs that didn't exist when I was in school that are now you know, top needed jobs and out in the workforce, that you wouldn't have the there's no way you would have the education for you have to educate yourself. Right.
Shanna Dinkel
And I think that's what we're hearing from businesses and again, are Dr. Watson, the Commissioner of Ed has been on tours across Kansas. And a lot of times we hear, we'll train them on those specific skills they need for this job. It's more of those soft skills, showing up on time, making sure that you're in attendance, having a good work ethic, growth mindset, working well with others, being able to express yourself, when written or oral communication, being a good listener. All those are things that through the different, you know, content and academic tying that all together because then at some point, yeah, it's hard to prepare him for everything that's out there. But just making sure that those basic skills are there so that they can adapt and be adaptable out in their environment and what they choose to explore next. Very cool. Yeah,
James Bell
sure. We've got just about a minute left. Any other last thoughts or anything else that we want to hit on? Before we go? You know,
Shanna Dinkel
I really think we talked about a lot. I'm excited to be it is a great year, we started off well, like you said, Superintendent Wilson share that last week and it's just a really good start and all the activities and the whirlwind is is picking up as we get here into September and and it'll fly by but we're just glad that we're able to work with students, parents, and again, thanking the community for all those career exploration opportunities they're giving our students because it really does make a difference.

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
New director, services at Center for Life Experiences
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Center for Life Experiences executive director Darian Schlegel shares updates from the center.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
The Center for life experiences has a new executive director and some new programming on the way. Darien Schlegel stops by to share with us the details on this episode of the post podcast.
Darian Schlegel
So a little bit about me, I'm from a City, Kansas, I moved to Hayes to go to college, and just recently graduated with my clinical psych in the psych department in May of 2022. And then I was recently hired at CFL II this July. So I've been there for about a month and a half now.
James Bell
Very cool. Yeah, kind of settling in with Anna. She was a frequent guest on the show, obviously. And it's been several months before bird since we'd seen her that her last sign off, I think was, oh, goodness, May, June ish. And yeah, that transition happened to kind of wall in the interim. But how are things going?
Darian Schlegel
Good, good. Yeah. And kind of stepped off in May. And she's been helping out here and there for a while helping me get adjusted and everything like that. So it's been, it's been good. We're learning and starting some new things. And we're excited. Very cool.
James Bell
And, you know, I love that. Obviously, you know, you mentioned that you just got out of college, you're fairly young. And I think that's got to be a change, because and, and we've been there so long and really kind of made her own but to bring in that new ideas and the young blood, probably a little bit of a, I don't know, a nervous energy, but also excitement around there. Right?
Darian Schlegel
Yeah, it was definitely, I don't want to say intimidating because it has kind of a negative connotation. But, um, yeah, it was definitely interesting to step in the foot after, and has been there for so long. I mean, she helped found the foundation and everything. So it's cool to learn from her because she's so involved in she knows so many people in that community. So it's great to learn from her and just kind of take over in her footsteps, then, like you said, it's fun to start those new ideas, too.
James Bell
Yeah. And we're going to talk about some of the new stuff that this launched here in the are launching recent or soon. But before we get there, I wonder if you want to talk a little bit about just kind of the overall center for life experiences mission and what you guys do down there.
Darian Schlegel
Yeah, so CFR li focuses on helping people basically grieve and heal and talk about their daily struggles. It's a place where people can come and connect with others who have experienced similar experiences. We're all about just forming that support for other people, because a lot of people just don't have that support system around. So we're there to make that happen. Very
James Bell
cool. And for my understanding, I've never been affiliated with the groups, but just the years of talking with and it's a very informal, it's not not a counseling session, per se, it's, as you say, it's just it's a, it's something to help you get through the process and with others, that have also been through it. Yeah,
Darian Schlegel
yeah, it's a very informal process. We have groups in the evenings, healing after loss, healing after loss of suicide, and then Healing Hearts. And there's three separate support groups where people can come and just talk about their struggles and learn from other's experiences and just feel like they have a connection somewhere with somebody because a lot of time family members don't really know what to say, especially if they haven't experienced that grief themselves. So that's a place where people can really just be surrounded by others who have the same experience.
James Bell
Yeah, know what those groups, those groups that you've kind of inherited. are the timings in the day, same, the same on those meetings. Are those been adjusted
Darian Schlegel
yet, so they stay the same? Every month. So Healing Hearts, meets the first Thursday of every month and healing after loss meets the first and third Tuesday every month. And then halos, which is healing after loss of suicide meets the first and third Wednesday of every month.
James Bell
Very cool. Just still have the calendar on the website. Yes. Okay. CFE. hope.org. Yes. Okay. Cool. I was hoping I remembered that right. Very cool. Well, then, let's move on. And let's talk about some of these new things that are coming up. The first one I think we want to hit on a little bit is the John C lecture series. What is this?
Darian Schlegel
So the John C Lecture Series is where cflc brings in a speaker every so often to talk about different mental health topics and stuff like that. So for the Jhansi lecture series this month, it's happening in September 22. At the beach Smith are performing arts center on campus at Fort Hays, it's from six to nine. And they will be talking about suicide awareness and stigma that surrounds suicide. And they are bringing somebody in from Arts Otsuka and It's hard to pronounce. And they will be talking about this. And they partner with psych u, which is an amazing resource for mental health as
James Bell
well. Very cool. People are interested, do they need to sign up in advance? Or is any sort of fee on this? Or is it just come and go with it?
Darian Schlegel
Nope, it's just a come and go. We really encourage people, the community come, just learning here about suicide and stigma, because it's something we want to talk about. It is increasing in all of the population. So it's really important to know how to talk to somebody and learn about it, and how to combat the stigma surrounding it.
James Bell
Absolutely. Okay, and I have for my understand you've got some other new groups. I don't have them in front of me, but other new groups that are starting up, right?
Darian Schlegel
Yes, yeah. So we have what we call a support series. And so it's going to be roughly six to eight weeks of different groups. So the first one we're starting is called Fostering Connections. And this is going to be a six week group starting September 26, at five o'clock, where children the age 10, to 18 can come and really just talk about their life experiences children with experience with the foster care system. That way, they have somebody to talk to who have been in similar situations. And just so that they can talk to other kids who have had had the same experience. And then our next group is called the CF le book circle. And this is another four to six week group that's going to alternate every month with different topics. And our first book is gained something, it focuses around divorce. So anyone going through divorce, or who has already gone through it, and just want to be around other people who have the same experiences, again, can read the book and learn some things and all of that good stuff.
James Bell
Very cool. You know, I think about, you know, traumatic life events like that sometimes I think are even more harder to deal with than the loss of a loved one, just because it's, there is no loss, it's you know, that you're losing the relationship, but not losing the person. And that adds a whole nother layer of complexity to
Darian Schlegel
Exactly, exactly. And I think cflc is wanting to talk about all the different types of grief, there are different branches. And like you said, you're losing that part of your life that you had a huge connection with. And so we'll be able to talk about that as well.
James Bell
Very cool, very exciting stuff. Is information for those available on the website as well.
Darian Schlegel
Yes, everything's available on the website. And we are updating our website as well. So hopefully in the next coming month or so people will be able to register for different events on there as well. So, so keep a lookout for that.
James Bell
Your website work. Never goes as fast as you want. Right? Yeah. Well, very cool. Well, there's anything else that you think the folks need to know about what's going on down at the Center for life experiences right now.
Darian Schlegel
Um, I just hope that you guys come out and visit us if you ever feel like you just need to talk about your life. We're here for you and we hope to see everyone

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Medicare enrollment window approaching
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Sunflower Senior Solutions owner, Courtney Dale shares information about the upcoming Medicare enrollment window.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
The annual Medicare enrollment window is just around the corner. From Sunflower Senior Solutions owner Courtney Dale shares with us some of the details on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Courtney Dale
It always gets here faster and faster every year. Kinda like Christmas. But speaking of that, you know how we start to see Christmas in the stores. sooner and sooner. It's the same thing with Annual Election Period with Medicare and people are already seeing the advertisements on TV and mailboxes are filling up and all that stuff. And the reason why is because of this time of year, and it officially is October 15. Through December 7, that window is the only window that a person can make changes to their prescription drug plan, or a Medicare Advantage Plan, which is not as common is as a Medicare supplemental plan for most people in the listening area. But those two things the prescription plan in the in the Advantage Plans can only be changed and adjusted during that window. However, as agents and brokers, we can start seeing the plans and all of their options and all of their pricing as soon as October 1. So we can start talking about them, and going over them with people as soon as October 1, which is less than a month away. And it'll be here before you know it. Sure. So very important time of year to kind of have all of your Medicare plans reviewed. And a lot of people do this religiously, a lot of people don't understand the benefits of having your plans reviewed. Just on the prescription side alone, there's a huge savings potential, especially for people who are paying higher drug costs for maybe you know insolence or blood centers or things like that. The formularies change every year. So the coverage changes and the different levels within the plan that changes so what you're on now, there may be something out there that covers your drugs better, and can save you you know, a few $100 over the course of the year, which is huge. Right now everyone is looking for ways to save money myself included. So that is, you know, that is the the main importance of it is to save money. Now on the on all of your other plans. So your Medicare supplemental plans and your dental vision and hearing plans and anything else you have that you want. Kind of a second opinion, hey, is this the right plan for me? Could I save money here? Could I get better coverage there? This is just a great time of year you have to have your prescription plan looked at it's a great time of year to just have a once over and have everything reviewed. And of course we do that complimentary We do not charge anything for our services to review your plan.
James Bell
Yeah, so I think why not? You know, you mentioned that, you know, this time of year is a good time for it, you kind of it makes me think about your time change, you know, time changes comes, you're supposed to check all your fire safety equipment, right? It's like that time of year to do it. So why not take advantage of the free service and see if you can save yourself some money.
Courtney Dale
Exactly. This again, you know, yeah, we kind of looked at a look at it as the end of one year. And how do we get straight for the start of the next year? We do again, we do the Medicare supplemental plans, we do Medicare Advantage plans. We do dental, vision and hearing plans. We also help people with their prescription plans. Of course, we also that's for people over the age of 65. We also offer insurance services for any age. And of course, the dental vision and hearing packages that any age. That's not just Medicare, Affordable Care Act plans are something that we also help with we started doing that a couple years ago, those new plans for the next year, they did change the tax, the tax subsidies. So if you have looked at them before, and you couldn't afford them before, you might want to take a look again, we can't look at those until November 1 for the next year. So if you're on one of those plans, again, great time to have it reviewed if it's if those plans are something that you've looked into or think that you could benefit from. We could take a look at those for you too. That is something that we do. Also we do a little bit of fixed interest rate investment products. Horse in the last year myself included. We've all kind of taken a little bit of a hit from the stock market, which we know is going to happen but a lot of people have kind of came to us and are interested in looking at more of a fixed rate product insurance product which we do those as well. And that's again this time of year is a great time of year to look at all that we have, you know, some fixed interest rates that are doing four and 5%. So if you have bank CD's or cash or anything sitting around, that's not earning anything. Great time of year to have all that looked at as well,
James Bell
for sure. Now, Courtney, I'm curious you for those folks that are maybe in that window, and they want to have this looked at with that window between October 15 and December 7. At what point? Is it too late? Or can you just go all the way up and to December 7.
Courtney Dale
On the Medicare side, it's December 7, on the Affordable Care Act plans. It is the end of the year, November 1 through the end of the year, or I'm sorry, Jane, it goes all the way through to January 15. On the Affordable Care Act plans. Now dental vision and hearing packages and any of the fixed rate insurance products and even Medicare Supplements. Those can be looked at and changed at any time during the year, the big push on October 15. And December 7 Is the prescription drug plans. And the Medicare Advantage plans. That's the only time of year that you can change those.
James Bell
Okay, so somebody went into your office on say, December 6, they could still get that in get those changes processed? Or would you have time to do that?
Courtney Dale
Oh, yeah, all the way we work all the way up till midnight on December 7. So in our our office hours change during starting October 1. We are available Monday through Saturday. So we do weekend appointments as well. Just we want to make sure to get everyone in that needs to have plans reviewed. So the best way to figure out how you can get in and book a time and we are booking appointments right now is cuz we can start, like I said, looking at plans October 1, call our office 785301 to 716. Or you can also book an appointment online. Sunflower senior.com.
James Bell
Okay. Well, Courtney, I'm also curious, you know, this time of year with you busy looking at all these plans? Are you still doing the informational sessions?
Courtney Dale
We do? Yes, of course, all over the state. So if you want to do a face to face workshop and get a refresher on Medicare education, if you're in the listening area, there's a good chance we're going to be in your area, we can also do a review face to face. We travel all over the state doing those reviews, and we actually have some dates and time set and locations. And so if you see one of those locations, you want to meet with us and do your review in person if you're not, you know, if you don't live in haze, we are all over. So that is also going to be available on our website. Sunflower senior.com.
James Bell
Okay, so yeah, head over there. Check that out. And that phone number again, Courtney
Courtney Dale
James Bell
There you go. Anything else? You think that the folks out there need to know before we go?
Courtney Dale
Oh, just you know, we can't stress the importance of having your plans reviewed enough. Even if you think you're in the right place. It's it's just not going to cost you anything and you might be able to save a few 100 bucks and didn't even know you were eligible for that. So we can't stress it enough. Just have your plans looked at even if it's not by us have somebody review your plans for the upcoming year.

Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Mix 103.3’s Friday Night Finds: Sept. 2, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
The latest Friday Night Finds from Mix 103.3 FM.
Play the song at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ULXgJ18xuY

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Voters head to polls this week for Ellis USD 388 Bond election
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Mike Keller from the Care 4 Kids committee stops by to share information about the upcoming USD 388 Bond Issue election.

Friday Sep 02, 2022
New childcare, housing developments proposed in Hays
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams shares updates on proposed childcare and housing developments in Hays.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
A proposed daycare and housing project in Ellis County topped the area's economic news this week. From grow Hays, Executive Director Doug Williams stops by to talk about that and more on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Childcare is one of the big three that rural America faces, childcare, housing and workforce and workforce. It's kind of tied to childcare and housing and Hays med through the receipt of some grants and things, it's going to put an on campus childcare facility, and I think up to 75 kids, I believe is what the the deal is. So that's awesome news, we have a huge need in our community for child care. And this will go a long ways towards helping that still a lot of work to be done beyond that. But it's big news and great news for Hayes man.
James Bell
Absolutely. Do we know it? And I gotta be honest, I'm not all that familiar with everything that's going on there as well. Do we have they have a timeline or anything in place? Or is this just a commitment to build the facility?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
I think I don't know what their timeline is. But I know they're eager to get going. And they want to put it on the fast track, whatever that really means in today's construction environment. Because obviously, when you have to build something, workforce and materials, and all those things are a challenge. But I think they they want to get started as soon as they can.
James Bell
You know, and I know I don't want to ask you to speak for them. But I just believe with the conversations that we've had about the childcare piece here in Ellis County, that probably this is a move that was really just kind of self serving, they needed their own staff to have that availability of child care. And we've talked specifically about the difficulties in medical, the medical field with child care, because you've got that weird schedule and, and rotating and all that.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, they have unique needs when it comes to childcare, because they are 24 by seven 365 days a year organization. And they I think at the end of the day, I don't think Hays med really wants to be in the childcare business. But they recognize that they have to control their own destiny and when when their employees cannot find childcare or a provider is closed or whatever that might be, that has serious consequences to an organization that has to take care of people and has to perform surgeries and all of the things they have to do if if their employees can't come to work. That's that's a huge problem. And so they, like many other organizations across the country have just recognized that they have to control their own destiny with this. They're going to put facilities in manage them, and make sure that they've covered their bases in that area.
James Bell
You know, and I'm curious if you want to speak to if they can pull 70 Kids 70 plus into that daycare, what kind of impact is that going to have across all of Ellis County?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Well, it helps. But if you know, Sarah Washington is on your show off, and she's heading up this childcare Task Force, believe they've identified a shortage of between six and 700 spots in Ellis County. So 70, or however many is that helps. And it certainly helps Hays med take control of their situation, we still have a large shortage of spots available for child care. One of the big challenges, not only just physical availability of spots, but affordability is a huge issue for different types of workers. When you're talking about anywhere from, I don't know, six today to $900 a month per child for childcare. That's quite a strain on somebody who's not making a lot of money. I mean, and a lot of our entry level jobs are filled by people who are not making a lot of money, but they still have children. And so that's that's the big dilemma is how do we serve those people?
James Bell
Now? Yeah, I think you say, the lower income, I think even middle middle income can be impacted you tacking on $900. If you got three kids, you're paying that every month. That's a bill. Well, at
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
some point, one of the one of the family, the one of the spouses cannot go to work. I mean, it just doesn't make economic sense. So they leave the job market and thus we end up with 2.3% unemployment and and people really struggling to find employees,
James Bell
for sure. No, we've also talked a lot about you're going to your proposal down there on the Hays med campus with the grandparents or the senior housing and then that would have a daycare component as well. I wonder is this part of or is this part of that conversation or is this completely separate? And that progresses or process is still going?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Well that that process is still ongoing. We're still working on that project and actually have kind of put it on the front burner right now. We're trying to get some things going. And initially we had some conversations with Hays med because they were very Interested in the daycare component that we had proposed in the community center there on the property north of the hospital. But I think I think at the end of the day, they just felt that they had to move on this themselves. And they couldn't wait on anybody else. We still believe that this project were, as I say, we're moving it to the front burner. The combination of multifamily as well as patio home type construction for primarily targeted to retiree age people, not necessarily restricted to that audience. But then the community center would house the seniors Center, which is currently out by the airport right now. And then the childcare center would there would be a childcare facility there that would hopefully engage some of the retirees in a creating an intergenerational type facility that that could provide a unique experience for children with kind of grandparent type people helping out in there, hopefully some on a volunteer basis where we can figure out a way to maybe offer some lower cost childcare to those entry level workers, lots of details to kind of figure out in that model. But if if we can provide some incentives for a provider with a lot lower cost, rent, or whatever it might be to operate, maybe they can pass some of that along to some of the some of their clients, I guess I'd call them and, and provide some scholarships or something like that. That would be the ideal situation. The economics are difficult to deal with on that. But we have to do something to try and meet that need.
James Bell
For sure. Now, moving on into another big piece of news. This came out of the hay City Commission meeting last night, apparently, there's a developer that wants to put some housing into the Hadley center, correct?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
That's correct. David Van Doren, the owner of the Hadley center, was in front of the City Commission last night, he's applying for an NIH grant, which is a moderate income housing grant, that the state of Kansas offers, on projects that they that they approve, this requires the landlord to rent to people in the moderate income range of tenant, which means it's believe it's 60% to 150%, of the moderate income, family housing income for Kansas. So I believe it depends on how many are in the family and that kind of thing. This again, would probably be geared more to seniors, their one bedroom, a couple of some two bedroom units, and then some one bedroom units with a little study off of them, but a kind of unique offering and Hadley center, obviously, it's, it's built like a fortress. And they have a lot of amenities there, whether it's a beauty salon, restaurant, massage therapy, people, so all under one roof, you would have all of those things right there. And so he's he's trying to get that project going, it would be in the third floor, and it's about 31 Total Units that he is proposing to do. So that would be a nice project and and a nice addition to the community. And the first step for him was to get the city to approve the grant is actually given to the city. And then they pass it through to the to the developer. And so the city had has to approve a resolution, which they probably will they discussed it last night and at their regular meeting next Thursday, they will, I am sure approve that resolution and move it on so that he can submit his application.
James Bell
Yeah, I mean, without jumping too far ahead and talking about some of the benefits of this to the community. I mean, what's the chances or what's the process look like for him going forward? I mean, is this a sure thing? Or is this kind of what hope but hope it all goes through and works the way we want?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Well, it's certainly not a sure thing. The State of Kansas historically is allocated $2 million a year to the moderate income housing grant program. Because of some ARPA funds, and that kind of thing, this year, they've allocated $20 million. So they've got a lot more money allocated to it. They've raised the single award, they'll give I believe it's $30,000 per unit, or up to a maximum award of $650,000. This particular project would qualify for the maximum award of $650,000. But there is a lot of interest in this program statewide lots and lots of applications. There's also a backlog of previous applicants that did not get awarded in the past that are going to be based on my not understanding they're going to be looked at first on this first round. They're going to they're going to do this quarterly these awards this over the next year or so. So it's not a slam dunk by any means. But hopefully he'll he'll see that I know there are some other developers and In Ellis County that are looking at projects that are going to be applying for this, this grant. So we just hope we get our fair share. You know, we out in western Kansas, sometimes we don't always get our fair share, and we hope with this program we do. And actually, just one other item on that it is limited to counties under 60,000. And population. So the big counties are ruled out of this, this program. So that that does help us there as well.
James Bell
I like to hear that, yeah, let them do their own. Those giant those giant Johnson County and Sedgwick County, that's it's a different world, really, than what we deal with out here.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Pretty much pretty much.
James Bell
So you know, if this does come to pass, you know, 31 in apartments with that single bedroom kind of size, how much does that actually impact? And how much is that needed to fix the housing shortage we have here in Ellis County?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Well, it's kind of like the childcare deal to hospital every little bit helps. When I consistently say when we add inventory to the market, whether it be houses or whether it be spots in a childcare facility. It helps does it solve all our problems? No, it doesn't. But it helps you know, I, one of the things I'm going to talk about at our quarterly luncheon next Tuesday is the the shortage of housing that we have and what the housing study showed us that we just completed in June, the city did. And And essentially, it shows that we've got a shortfall, a hole of about three to 400 units in this community that we need to fill. And if we expect any kind of growth, say it, what I consider a relatively conservative 1% growth rate, we need to add 88 units a year, whether it be single family homes or apartments, we've been averaging 35 to 45 units a year. And that's what's gotten us in this hole. And so will 31 units. solve our housing issues? No. But it'll help. And, you know, obviously, within that whole housing structure, you've got the type of housing that's added to you're constantly having to evaluate what's really needed. Do we need one bedroom units for retirees? Do we need three bedroom apartments and duplexes and things for families? So what specifically do we need? And right now, I would say we need all of the above. But as we move forward, we're going to have to be more diligent and more studious and deciding what what niches Do we really need to fill?
James Bell
Yeah. And you know, there's so many of these projects going on right now. I don't know if you have like a total of how many apartments that are coming online here in the next few years. But we've talked about several of these, like the St. Joseph school and what's going on down there was near the old Washington School and this one. So yeah, there's hundreds of them coming up in the next couple years. Right.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
And maybe 100. Oh, I'm over estimate. Well, there are projects underway, certainly the Ellis estates project is 42 units, the vandoorne project would be 31 microgram project at fourth and four, it would be 33, or 36. So we do have a number coming on. But unfortunately, like child care in the same as housing, it is not quickly resolved, it takes time to build these things. And I know there's a project at the Presbyterian Church, that a new childcare facility is going to they're going to do some expansion, some work in there, that I believe is going to have 36 spots. And so we are adding to the to the inventory. It just takes time chipping away at the problem. Absolutely
James Bell
like that. Before we move on to this last bit of really cool news. You mentioned the quarterly luncheon down there that you guys are going to host to grow haze, I believe Thursday, Tuesday, Tuesday. At this point. Are you full on that? Are you still looking for some people to attend?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
We are full with physical attendees. Actually, we're we're over full. Always a few that don't make it for whatever reason. So we'll be okay there. But but it is going to be online as well. So look on our Facebook page, our website and you can see the link and you can watch it on a zoom, call or watch it online if you'd like to if you can't make it down or if if you didn't get your reservation in
James Bell
very cool. Yeah, you know, I regularly get to go to these in the course of my work and always interesting stuff. And this one I think's gonna be really cool because you get to delve into that housings. Stuff that we're talking about here.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Yes, column Belzer. assistant city manager is going to be talking about the housing study. And then I'm going to do a little bit of a talk about maybe some solutions and what we're trying to do about it.
James Bell
Very cool. Gonna be a good time. Now let's talk about this last thing. This is kind of a little bit of inside baseball here, but you guys got a grant. We've talked about this on the show for this upcoming microfactory project. Right.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
We did. We got great news last Friday, actually, that the Patterson Family Foundation, which is a foundation out of Kansas City, founded by Neil Patterson and I can't remember his wife's name. Neil was one of the founders of Cerner, which is the giant software vendor in Kansas. City. And he was from a small town somewhere in Kansas, and I can't remember where. But he, they created this foundation that is dedicated to improving healthcare, education and economic development in small Kansas and Missouri communities. And so we approached them, you know, that the microfactory, we got a $2.6 million base grant. But we know it's going to cost us three and a half to $4 million. And so we approached the Patterson Family Foundation with the idea, they really liked the concept of the microfactory, they're really interested to watch how this works, you know, they're really these don't exist, this is kind of breaking new ground. And there's a lot of people watching it, but they, they liked the idea. And they awarded us a $500,000 grant to be used towards the micro factory. And so that's going to go a long ways towards helping us get that done. And we are they are interested in watching it, because if if successful, they would like to replicate this and other communities across the state. As with the state of Kansas, there, the Department of Commerce is very interested in this as well. So the pressures on we've got to perform on this one, I was
James Bell
gonna say, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes on this.
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
We'll get it done. I'm sure you will had you know, David Klingon, who's our Director of Recruitment retirement did a great job writing the grant for the base grant that we got from the state of Kansas, he replicated that with the Patterson foundation. So he's he's done a terrific job on these.
James Bell
Yeah. Now, we've talked a little bit in the past about the gap. You mentioned the funding a little bit, and there was some some money that you need to raise to put this project together. How much does this grant chip away at that? Well,
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
it covers more than half of the shortfall, we'll call it. We knew from the get go that we were going to have to borrow some money or acquire some additional funds above the base grant, we continue to look for those funds. We know that that, you know even though the tenants in that facility will be paying far less than market rent, probably less than half of what market rent would be it it will produce some income. And we would have some dollars to use towards paying back alone. But we're still we still got some grant applications out there and looking for other ways to finance the shortfall and finish it because like all these projects, where we're concerned that we may run a little over budget to just the way the world is right now. Yeah, how
James Bell
hard is that to even really judge these things? For anybody that's trying to build anything, I would think it's just kind of a roll of the dice
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
virtually impossible. You know, there's just so many factors that are into it. And and you find out that you can't get some particular material you are counting on the substitute is more expensive. And so what do you do? You just have to kind of roll with the punches and make it work?
James Bell
Yeah, no big transformers is a problem right now. Right? A huge one and transformers and water taps I think are both
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
just impossible. Supply chain still continues to be very restricted in certain areas, Transformers for residential construction, take a year to get the transformer for the microfactory they said was 60 to 70 weeks. Ouch. And so fortunately, we've got it ordered. And we do believe that that we may be able to Midwest energy may help us with a temporary if we get to that point and the permanent one still hasn't come in because they they do keep some on hand for emergencies, obviously, but they're for emergencies. So they they don't like to go out and use those but we we are. It's on order and we believe our construction period is probably a good year trying to get it done. So I think we'll be okay there. But you're right. There's just a challenge. Every time you turn a corner you hit another one. Yeah.
James Bell
Well, Doug, we got to get over the news and weather but any other last thoughts where we go?
Grow Hays executive director Doug Williams
Gosh, I can't think of anything else. You know, I It's been a big week. All good news. Join us next Tuesday. If you want to via zoom, check us out. I think it'll be interesting information for people. And we're going to just keep plugging

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Heartland Community Foundation establishes new funds
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
On this episode of the Post Podcast Heartland Community Foundation executive director Sarah Meitner stops by to share updates from the foundation.
EDITORS NOTE: Transcripts are provided by an automated service and are not verified for accuracy.
James Bell
The Heartland Community Foundation has opened four new funds over the summer, Executive Director Sarah Meitner stops by to share some of the details on this episode of the Post Podcast.
Sarah Meitner
It's been kind of a quiet summer, but we have added four new funds to our list of funds. And what that means is basically Well, these are all funds that we manage, they are all designated for something charitable. So a fund can be opened by an individual donor like yourself, or an individual business that has charitable interests, or an organization and we manage Oh, I think there's about 30 organization funds currently. And these are the nonprofits in town that we know and love the nonprofits that are serving the community boots on the ground. You know, ones like the heath Arts Council, the community theater, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, the Hdc, I'm forgetting a whole bunch, because there's a lot but but you get it, these are their endowed funds. And what that means is that it's money that's been set aside by them, or a donor for the purposes of being endowed and kept for later. So in their endowed portion, it is invested right alongside all of our other funds. And that power of investment allows it to grow. And over time, the more that it grows, the more that they can grant to themselves. So the other funds that we have, we make grants out of as an as an entity, our grants committee make grants out of, to any number of organizations that apply for a grant, when it's their own fund, the money only goes back to them. And they use the investment income on it as a as a as a budget item as a line item as a as a revenue income stream that's generally pretty consistent. And that's the kind of thing that a nonprofit can really appreciate. When it's hard to fundraise for things like salaries or rent or other operating expenses, stuff that's not like real glamorous and easy to sell to a donor to help to help raise money for. So for some of these organizations, that's a pretty big deal. And they depend on that, that money, whatever amount it is to help pay for the programs that they offer and the services that they offer. So we had four new ones added this summer. And I'm really excited for them because it is showing an interest in sustainability that is maybe new or a little different. So I want to tell you what those four are, and invite our listeners to visit our website at Heartland Community foundation.org To see the full list of funds, you know, they can see which other organizations have won with us. And they can donate right there on the website anytime. And they pick right who they want to go to. And they can leave a comment if they like and it goes right to that organization. So the four new ones. One was actually the Hays med Foundation. And there's this little different because they have their own I mean, they're an entire they're they manage their own funds that are endowed. However their designation their nonprofit classification is a little bit different. That makes it hard for them to take in gifts that are Ira rollovers or stock transfers, things that can be more easy or easily feasible or are performed through the through the Community Foundation. So that's what their fund is primarily going to be used for. And then it can, it can still be designated by a donor if it's for a specific department at the hospital. But we can accept those gifts that they previously have had difficulty accepting. So very excited about that partnership. Another one is the lift up wakeeney fund and it's our first organization fund in wakeeney. And it is the there's a group of very dedicated, hardworking community members who are doing their best to get their hands dirty and clean up Balkany. And they have started a fund so that they can invest in projects with it that are important to the long term sustainability of the community. And so I'm super excited about that. It's already over 20,000 in it. And so, you know, the more it grows, that one is actually partially endowed and partially kept in a reserve so that they can, if they have a project that is, you know, five to $10,000 they're not limited by only granting out that that investment income, they can actually invest some of the principle. The third one is the let's grow Victoria fund. And this is actually also a little different. It's a provisional Fund, which is thrown a whole lot of lingo out yet, but this is this is the group of folks that are in Victoria work Hang on the rest home project. So this is going to be used as their pass through their fundraising fun, their main pot of money as they are seeking donations and working to grow the money that it's going to take to make those construction updates and renovations to the former rest home. So that one, we have a fundraising goal and I can help support them in those efforts. And you know that when I'm so excited, that project is just amazing.
James Bell
I've got to write about that and speak with Jeff. And yeah, that's
Sarah Meitner
neat project and it and it sort of leads me to the the fourth one, the Atlas County Historical Society. I don't know anything about that. And they were just here, I just saw mantle even. But they, you know, they're gonna have a location, a satellite office or a satellite facility at that rest home. But they also have a board that's very interested in sustainability. And they reached out about an endowed fund something to show the community that they are here for the long haul, and they're willing to invest in themselves. So you know, it's all very cool. It's all very exciting. I know, there's others out there on the horizon. The only one distinction that I want to make because it is United Way kickoff time, and the United Way funds go to all of these organizations as well, the differences in the two and what we do and what they do, if they're I liken it to, they're more of a checking account, the day to day where the savings account were the ones for saving for later and for long term. So we need both both are so important, and the organizations depend on both. But sometimes it's hard for donors to understand the overlap. So there you go, tried to make it simple for you.
James Bell
That works. Very cool. Um, you know, before we run out of time here, we gotta hit on this as well, of grant applications. Are you currently in a window? I think last time you were here, you were wrapping up the window with your app.
Sarah Meitner
Yep, we are getting ready to launch our fall window. It opens September 15. Closes November 15. I had two calls already yesterday with prospective applicants. So the people are ready for it. They're they're getting hungry. They're waiting for it. So the good news is that that application, as always, is can be found on our website. And we've actually made it easier. We've removed about five to six questions that just made it a little bit longer or a little bit tougher to understand the questions I probably got called about the most. But you know, I'm excited about that, because it just removes a couple more barriers toward obtaining some some money for projects that these charitable groups really need. So look for that September 15. It closes November 15.
James Bell
Okay, and all that information, again, available on your website, right? It should
Sarah Meitner
be updated, but the application could definitely be found on their website. And all of those donor all of those fun names, those accounts are the full list is that our website as well.
James Bell
Very cool. Worst case scenario, they can find your phone number there, right. Always calm.
Sarah Meitner
Yes. And I'll tell them about all of our wonderful friends because we do have some, some really special and awesome What's it What's that again? Heartland Community foundation.org

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The Post Podcast, now in its third year, began as a way to disseminate radio interviews from the Eagle Morning Show on 94.3 FM/1400 AM KAYS.
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